The old objects or 3 more balloons

Ripmany's Avatar

This article don't make clear three new balloon it the past three that were shot down.
CG2014's Avatar
4th one

First it was the Chinese balloons which we all saw photos and videos of it on news and Tik Tok and Twitter taken by citizens with cell phones.

Then after it, there are 3 more shoot down: one in Alaska, one over Canada and one again now.

But no photos and videos. Then the Air Force will not say what any of them were: another balloon? A UFO? NO! They call it a High Altitude Object.

I think after BIDEN was criticized for letting the Chinese Balloon fly from Alaska to the East Coast for days before it shot it down so now they are SAVING FACE by FABRICATING these shoot downs so they can show: LOOK HOW QUICK WE ACTED EACH TIME!

But WHERE ARE THE PHOTOS AND VIDEOS? How come there are NONE on Tik Tok and Twitter taken by citizens with cell phones?
CG2014's Avatar
Also after we shot down the Chinese Balloon, there were strong reaction from China calling the US wrong to shoot it down even when it was in our airspace.

We have heard no reaction from China after the last 3 shoot down.

So it's not a Chinese Balloon or anything made in China. What is it then?

Is it a UFO from outer space from another planet?

I hope not!

I don't think it will be very smart to do that if it was from another planet.

If they have the tech to travel across the infinite of the universe and galaxy to reach us, we all seen sci fi movies, they will definitely have the technology to conquer the human race and destroy Earth.

If it's not from another planet, then what are these high altitude objects? 3 of them in 3 days all of a sudden where there has been none prior to them except for the Chinese Balloon?
Ripmany's Avatar
4 balloon, north Carolina, Alaska, north canada, Michigan.

This article has pictures and of fourth or it my cum on on my work clothes you pick.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Lake Huron ,,, WTF
Ripmany's Avatar
CG2014's Avatar
From that link and YouTube Ripmany posted , they are balloons.

This link also say they are balloons.

But whose because China hasn't reacted to the last 3 shoot down.

The comments in this YouTube video Ripmany posted above are similar to mine. What is it and why no photos and videos.
CG2014's Avatar
So now they are saying they are Chinese Balloons. If that is true, why no reaction from China with the last 3 shoot down? Because they might not be Chinese. If not Chinese, what countries are they from?
Ripmany's Avatar
Precious_b's Avatar