Hacked Email Reveals WHO Is Behind Al Gore’s Climate Change Agenda

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Not that he really needs it, but George Soros gave Al Gore $30 million in three years to push global warming hysteria on the American public.

In yet another document dump from the hacking site DCLeaks, the leftist billionaire wanted his “Open Society Institute” to help Gore spread his propaganda – so he had them budget $10 million in support every year for three years, The Daily Caller is reporting.

“U.S. Programs Global Warming Grants U.S. Programs became engaged on the global warming issue about four years ago, at George Soros’s suggestion,” reads a leaked OSI memo.

“There has been a budget of $11 million for global warming grants in the U.S. Programs budget for the last several years,” the memo reads. “This budget item captures George Soros’s commitment of $10 million per year for three years to Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, which conducts public education on the climate issue in pursuit of creating political space for aggressive U.S. action in line with what scientists say is necessary to put our nation on a path to reducing its outsize carbon dioxide emissions.”

The documents don’t make clear what years the money was given to Al Gore, but it was likely between 2006 and 2011. Around the same time, Gore’s “Alliance” launched a $300 million campaign to tell Americans to push for reduced greenhouse gasses.

Over the last 33 years, Soros’ “Open Society Institute,” now called the “Open Society Foundation” has given more than $13 billion to left-wing causes.

Soros wasn’t done though with just the $30 million. They also budgeted money for a “youth climate movement” to convince young people that the sky was soon going to rain fire (or something). They even put a “placeholder” in their budget for a “global warming agenda.”

“This budget item also allows for the renewal of U.S. Programs’ long-standing support of the Energy Action Coalition, which is the lead organizer of the youth climate movement in the U.S., the memo reads.

“There has been a budget of $11 million for global warming grants in the U.S. Programs budget for the last several years,” the memo reads. “This budget item captures George Soros’s commitment of $10 million per year for three years to Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, which conducts public education on the climate issue in pursuit of creating political space for aggressive U.S. action in line with what scientists say is necessary to put our nation on a path to reducing its outsize carbon dioxide emissions.”

The documents don’t make clear what years the money was given to Al Gore, but it was likely between 2006 and 2011. Around the same time, Gore’s “Alliance” launched a $300 million campaign to tell Americans to push for reduced greenhouse gasses.

Over the last 33 years, Soros’ “Open Society Institute,” now called the “Open Society Foundation” has given more than $13 billion to left-wing causes.

Soros wasn’t done though with just the $30 million. They also budgeted money for a “youth climate movement” to convince young people that the sky was soon going to rain fire (or something). They even put a “placeholder” in their budget for a “global warming agenda.”

“This budget item also allows for the renewal of U.S. Programs’ long-standing support of the Energy Action Coalition, which is the lead organizer of the youth climate movement in the U.S., the memo reads.

“We are also including a placeholder for an additional $2 million, pending discussion about and development of OSI’s global warming agenda,” the memo reads. “There is a memo from Nancy Youman in the strategic plans binder that recommends pathways forward for OSI on the climate issue – in the U.S., as well as in other parts of the Open Society Network.”

DCLeaks calls Soros an “architect and a sponsor of almost every revolution and coup around the world for the last 25 years.

“The USA is thought to be a vampire due to him and his puppets, not a lighthouse of freedom and democracy.

“His minions spill blood of millions and millions of people just to make him even more rich.

“Soros is an oligarch sponsoring the Democratic party, Hillary Clinton, hundreds of politicians all over the world.”

I wish Georger Soros would pay the dalilama 30 million to jump in a pit of 50 of the worlds most venomous snakes.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Lookin good Ivan.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I wish Georger Soros would pay the dalilama 30 million to jump in a pit of 50 of the worlds most venomous snakes. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Lookin good Ivan. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I B Hankering's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
duhhhhh Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Is that all you got dickwad? You are looking pathetic! As I said before I realize I am over weight just like well over half the guys on this site. I lost quite a bit and proud of it. What do you see when you look in the mirror? You are not hurting my feelings calling me fat you low life scum.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
oink boy got the runs
oink boy got the runs Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
LMAO dildo flintstone. Keep that pucker on.

Back to you dildo.

George Soros thrives in the "Bear Markets", where he makes money off of others misfortunes.

What better way to bring on misfortune that to destroy the American Energy Industry by funding boondoggle energy programs, and having the weight of the law to back it up.

What I don't understand is with today's technology, why the Government can't help the Coal Industry develop ways to burn it efficiently and clean. We have more energy stored in our coal reserves than the Middle Rast has oil.

It seems like a stupendous waste.
  • DSK
  • 08-18-2016, 08:11 AM
I wish Georger Soros would pay the dalilama 30 million to jump in a pit of 50 of the worlds most venomous snakes. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Pay me in advance and I will do it.

I think charity contributions should no longer be deductible, BTW.
  • DSK
  • 08-18-2016, 08:14 AM
George Soros thrives in the "Bear Markets", where he makes money off of others misfortunes.

What better way to bring on misfortune that to destroy the American Energy Industry by funding boondoggle energy programs, and having the weight of the law to back it up.

What I don't understand is with today's technology, why the Government can't help the Coal Industry develop ways to burn it efficiently and clean. We have more energy stored in our coal reserves than the Middle Rast has oil.

It seems like a stupendous waste. Originally Posted by Jackie S
We also have 50 billion barrels of oil waiting in the Permian basin to be fracked, according to some reports.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There is technology available for clean burning coal but it is very expensive to retro-fit existing col burning plants. The added cost also makes it cost prohibitive to be competitive in the energy market. As a nation, we would be better off using grant money to improve existing coal plants than supporting companies like Solyndra that is used to make the owners rich and plead the 5th when it comes to accounting for where the money went.

When the people (our government), which the EPA is not actually controlled by the people but by bureaucrats, makes arbitrary regulations that force compliance, should the people bear the cost of compliance or should the owners.