Any car accident experts on here?

I'll try to keep this short. I was involved in an accident and the other party is at fault. Even have a police report that says so. I call my insurance and they say I can file claim with them but I would have to pay my deductible and they would go after the other persons insurance for reimbursement but said it could take a long time and might not get it all back. Option 2 was I file a claim with other party's insurance. Well their insurance is some bum fuck company I've never heard of and after I called them they said someone would be in touch. Today I get a call from an Indian guy that I can't understand that supposedly represents their insurance and wants to send their guy out to inspect my vehicle.

I've never had to deal with this so not sure how I should proceed. This knock off insurance company is making me nervous.
PeterBota's Avatar
Who is ur insurer.
And who is the other at fault insurer ?

  • blank
  • 07-03-2018, 04:52 PM
I was rear ended a few years ago. The guy completely admitted fault and his insurance paid for everything, including the car rental for over a month. If your car is still drivable, I’d take to a shop for an estimate to make sure it matches what their estimator says.

I’d go with option 2 to start, but make sure the guy they send is a licensed insurance adjuster and take down his information, he should have his license on him. I was licensed a few years ago, but never used it and let it lapse, so I know the work it takes to get one.
You need to just make the claim with their insurance. They will schedule an appointment to get an adjuster to look at the vehicle. An addition they will need to speak with their driver to verify everything. It takes time and sometimes up to 3 business to hear back.
CG2014's Avatar
Sounds like you both had bum fuck insurance companies
BigTex77's Avatar
best bet is claim with their insurance. Texas Insurance Code requires they process claims in a timely manner. You may also be able to get rental reimbursement from other party's insurance to help bridge until your car is repaired
TexTushHog's Avatar
They more or less accurately summarized the situation under the potential Defendant’s property liability coverage and under your collision coverage. The principle difference us you owe the deductible under your policy, but your insurer owes you a higher duty of care, which probably won’t come into play given the small amount of money involved.

Either carrier will want to inspect you car.

Both CG2014 and BigTex 77 gave you good advice. Unless your time is very valuable and your deductible is low, deal with the adverse carrier first. But if you’re in a hurry, have a low deductible, or just don’t want a hassle, three out of four tones, your carrier will be easier to deal with.

Tell us who the carriers are. I haven’t handled a PD claim in 20 years, but I have employees and young lawyers who help clients who we represent on significant injury cases handle them. But CG2014 and BigTex might know more about wjo pays easier than others.
Chung Tran's Avatar
my single incident was 3 years ago, an Iranian Woman cut in front of me right before an intersection, then slammed on her brakes when the light turned yellow, she had barely entered the intersection.. I had little space to stop, I thought she was going to keep driving, and I slammed the brakes but skidded into her.. we drove to a nearby parking lot, she called her husband and the Cops.. husband got there first, he looked at both cars, snickering.. "that is a lot of damage", thinking I was guilty.. Cop came, asked us each separately and out of earshot of the other what happened.. he said my story passed the smell test, based on physical evidence, and she was guilty.. the Iranian woman pleaded to no avail.

I only had liability, but got a rental car for a few days, Insurance Company totaled my car, sent me a check (no deductible), and I kept the car another 18 months before offloading it cheap to a relative.