How much lying is OK for marketing/security purposes?

Sensual Sophia's Avatar
So I know as providers, it would be foolish for us to tell clients everything about us as it could compromise our safety.

Like our exact birthday, the name of our employer, etc...

but many providers go beyond omissions into outright exaggerations and lies for the purposes of marketing.

I'll count myself among that group. Confession time:

I lied about my hip measurement because I was told nobody would see me if I told the truth. And besides, I was told, everybody lies. It turns out guys have no idea anyway as I had one reviewer tell me he couldn't believe I had 40 inch hips -- he thought they were much smaller, LOL when they were probably 43" at the time.

I also lied about my age, said I was 30 when I was 28, because I thought I was mature and wise enough to pass for 30 and was trying for a target market of guys who go more for personality than looks. Now I really am 30.

OK. Now there's my confession. I'll go do my penance.

So, here is a question for the ladies and gents. What level of creative marketing, i.e. lying, is appropriate?

So many A cup girls claim to be B cups that I don't think guys know what an actual B cup looks like.

So many girls claim their weight is 10lbs lighter than it is, that men can't seem to judge weight accurately.

So many 35 year old women claim to be 25 that, well, guys think I look 23 when I probably actually just look my age.

And maybe this is silly.... But because I actually took the time and put in the hard work to graduate from UT Austin, it kinda drives me crazy when women claim they are attending or graduated from that school and I know for a fact they are lying. I don't think there is any shame in being brilliant and not having gone to a fancy school -- girls like Taylor Maiden and Kat prove that every day. So why lie?

Is it OK to fudge facts for marketing?

What would provider websites look like if we all told the truth?
missi hart's Avatar
i think one solution is just offer limited information---but be honest with that limited info. it is like the old axiom concerning testifying in court---don't volunteer information. and there can be some creative ways to present the truth. say one is actually 39, but puts down age as 30. that is a lie, albeit fairly innocuous. but why not put down 30's---which is certainly true. i really don't believe in absolutes, so it is hard to criticize when one uses the fudge factor. however, outright lying is never a good idea.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
I think it all depends on what you look like and what you advertise. I think that any type of creative marketing has to work within a plus/minus margin of error - giving you enough wiggle room to go up or down in age, weight and body measurements.
Whispers's Avatar
I think if you are asked a question. You should decline to answer or tell the truth. The only thing you have of value that only you are able to affect the value of is your word.

If you don't want to answer then don't.

But do not lie.
most of us are not that dumb and will figure it out eventually..

I remember a girl from ASPD who said she was 27 in 2001 and 6 years later she was still 27 in 2007..

Sophia you are hot regardless!!!!
Hold on just a minute -- there are ages, descriptions, sizes, likes, dislikes etc... on your websites? dammit - no not you dammit, but dammit. Now I am going to have to read? not just look at the pictures!
Metal Smith
I have to agree with miss_hart, if there's something you don't want people to know then don't offer up that information, but please be honest about the infrmation you offer. No one expects you to give your real name, but lying about your age, your weight or especially posting false pics, or pics. from several years ago, just isn't cool by any stretch of the imagination.

Sure, some guys aren't very good at judging women's ages, weights or busts sizes, but more are than you might think. Most won't say anything to you, but people do talk, and getting a reputation for lying about your appearance doesn't seem like a good thing to me.
By the way Sophia, the pics. on your showcase seem to suggest that the phrase "Super Hot" adequately describes you. In the future please be more accurate, and include this in your description.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I have to agree with miss_hart, if there's something you don't want people to know then don't offer up that information, but please be honest about the infrmation you offer. No one expects you to give your real name, but lying about your age, your weight or especially posting false pics, or pics. from several years ago, just isn't cool by any stretch of the imagination.

Sure, some guys aren't very good at judging women's ages, weights or busts sizes, but more are than you might think. Most won't say anything to you, but people do talk, and getting a reputation for lying about your appearance doesn't seem like a good thing to me. Originally Posted by thundarr28
Gotcha. I don't think anyone ever thought I lied -- as I said, men can't seem to tell the difference, and often guess my age and weight lower than the true number. But I just updated all my stats, for the purposes of accuracy.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I think that one's reputation is worth a whole lot more than printed facts. The fact that you are beautiful, intelligent and just a really fun lady is enough for most men. As mentioned most here have a scenes of what to believe or not believe and all the other stuff, the personal, information, accomplishments and endeavors are just that, personal.

By the way, I would never be able to guess a ladies size; weight, her age, cup size or where she graduated from, but I do know what I like.

TopWhop's Avatar
Well Miss Sophia, I can only speak for myself. Some exact details matter not to me. Regarding cup, waist and hip size just get it fairly accurate, heck I don’t travel with a tape measure, we all realize there is a plus/minus factor. Same with age, mid 20’s, early 30’s, etc, age is just a number but an attitude is everything. Now pics, yeah I think we prefer current pics say within 6-8 months. The pics just entice our moving off “center” to visit you. Personally, I never seek perfection because we are all only human, perfectly imperfect. However, a sexy, confident, playful, comfortable, intelligent woman yeah, she holds my attention. I will say that one very special “friend” I see regularly, I know everything about her. Nevertheless,,,we have developed a trust and a friendship way beyond client/provider, this has been ‘earned” over time. She is a very good friend indeed.
In closing, I would say attitude is everything for me, the “mental” seduction is nearly as great as the physical.
And thank you for your honesty pretty girl!!!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-27-2010, 05:27 PM
Sophia, this ain't or eHarmony.

Nobody on this board or any other similar boards is (supposed to be) looking for a serious long term relationship or marriage (though it seems from time to time that there are some gullible bastards and bastard-ettes in the hobby that think Pretty Woman was a straight-up fucking documentary ).

Accuracy in the numbers (age, height, weight, measurements) is only important as far as the information provided is representative of who you appear to be and gives a potential client a fair idea of what to expect. Recent accurate photographs are far more important, because a 20-something girl that has lived a fast, hard life and looks 30-something can report her age honestly and disappoint guys that have a thing for college-aged girls. A 30 year old girl that lived her life among the Amish before she bolted from the village and looks 19 can report her age accurately and disappoint a guy that has a MILF fetish. But an accurate photo trumps whatever was written or described in an ad or website.

And really nobody pays to play to ONLY engage in intellectual conversation. A well-read reasonably intelligent woman can usually claim whatever degree, from whatever institution or profession she wants. Only in very rare circumstances, or in an extended HDH encounter where she might accompany the gentleman to a high-end society or professional event, would educational background and intellectual acumen ever come into play to provide a plausible "cover story" for their public association.

If the information provided is supposed to be a specific selling point to seal the deal, whether it's age, appearance, sexual appetites, social or educational status, etc., then it should be accurate or very, very, very close to it. Otherwise, the information just has to be representative of appearances, whatever those appearances may be.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
i think one solution is just offer limited information---but be honest with that limited info.
Originally Posted by missi hart

...outright lying is never a good idea. Originally Posted by missi hart

Howdy, Folks!


Nailed it.
I agree with Whispers and others who said it is alright not to tell, but don't lie. I look at the pictures and if they look honest I pay little attention to the stats.

Sophia you are way hotter in person than in your pictures and your pictures almost catch fire.
rjdiner's Avatar
I think a certain amount of "embellishment" is expected and permissable. Most guys don't know A from B or a 10 pound differential. As for IQ, or lack thereof, that becomes apparent very quickly and has some connection to formal education. On the other hand, the 43" hip thing could explain my difficulty breathing the last time we met. That will be dealt with rather harshly the next time we go BCD, missy.