Friday Night Lights.....

Since I walk the stage on Friday cap, gown and all I will HAVE to celebrate! (Any reason to have cocktails and good company! LOL!)

I figure an indeal location would be central Austin...

How about, if you're up around the area or feel like coming to hang out and have drinks, join me Friday night around 9 p.m?

Pm me or email me ( and let me know if you're interested.

Afterall, A beautiful woman and her beautiful friends should never drink alone...
missi hart's Avatar
congrats! that is certainly worthy of a big celebration
YaY!!! Congrats!!!
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Trisha, congratulations on graduation! A great milestone for which you should be proud of!
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 02-01-2010, 01:09 PM
I wish I could join you ...

Congratulations, I know you have been working hard for this for a while now. You deserve a celebration!
rekcaSxT's Avatar

Good job on finishing!
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I'll be there, Girlie!
Congrats!! I salute you, I salute you, I salute you!!!!!! You should be very proud!
Count me in honey! Just let me know where and when.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Ditto!! Congrats girlie..very proud!
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Trisha, you're the best, you're the brightest! Warmest congratulations!

Your Monk
Schmafty's Avatar
Congratulations! Very well done!
Congrats and Good-Luck!
knotty man's Avatar
though ive only met you once (and thats my fault) .you are a very warm and caring ,not to mention beautiful woman. what youve done is a monumental achievement. deserving of all the praise and accolades that have been sent.add me to the list of those saying congratulations. you go girl! TRISHA ROCKS!!!! see ya soon (i hope i hope i hope....)
Congrats baby! Big Pimpin will try to come out, but it be hard to goes outs on a Friday! Too many papparazi and such be hounding Big Pimpin, but I see what I can do.