OH2 Messages

So I know a large amount of hobbyists are on OH2. I just logged in over there and the craziness has mutated and grown lbvs… my inbox flashes in and out with other hobbyists and providers personal inboxes and sent messages. Granted you can not enter the messages…. YET. But honestly from some of the titles I can see guys giving out “real world” info for Vouches and references and their numbers in the titles alone… if I were you guys I would make sure you hop on there and at least try to delete your inboxes because it’s no telling when someone else will click on these random inboxes from others and actually be able to see the inner messages and personal info. I was able to clean my inbox but my sent messages continues to be a pain in the ass as everytime I attempt to delete the messages turn into someone else’s ��… be careful…Just my two cents if you haven’t already abandoned ship over there.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-27-2022, 10:10 AM
There's some trick on this site posting in multiple threads that OH2 is 100% safe now 😂, I don't understand why guy's would give out personal information to total strangers
TinMan's Avatar
I had cleaned up my mailboxes not too long before the recent issues arose, and am happy I did. I doubt I have anything embarrassing left, should my account happen to come up on the log in roulette wheel.

I started regularly cleaning out my SHMB mailboxes back when the leaks hack hit this site almost a decade ago. It’s always a good practice, since you never know which site is going to get targeted.
corona's Avatar
I keep getting timeout errors whenever I try to go there today. Not missing much from what I see when it does load.
ahab11's Avatar
A couple of weeks ago when I clicked on my OH2 Icon it did take me to PROVIDERS page as the Ladies Locker Room was at the very top.

I reloaded the page and it took me to my Account and that was the only time that happen..... but yeah it's very flaky on Oh2.
daty/o's Avatar
I tried again today and still cannot get on the site. Doesn't sound like I am missing much.
  • elk45
  • 04-27-2022, 03:15 PM
I agree, I was disappointed to see next to nothing when I finally got in.
TinMan's Avatar
I try every few days, just in case the problems have been fixed and just haven’t been communicated. Same story here as well.
CG2014's Avatar
Still getting the certificate warning and if I tell it to bypass it and go ahead to the log in screen, it just loads and loads, big white screen, until I get a 502 error saying time out, can't get a secure connection.
CG, the errors have changed since the whole OH2 thing began... now the problem appears to be their SSL Certificate chain is using a certificate authority the browsers don't recognize.

* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS alert, unknown CA (560):
* SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
* Closing connection 0
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS alert, unknown CA (560):
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here: https://curl.se/docs/sslcerts.html
I'm able to make OH2 work if I tell the browser to ignore the certificate.

I don't know how anyone is working from VPN or special browser... I would not trust writing anything (posts, PMs).

I still go there to read though... :-)
Yea it’s crazy, a couple times I tried to get into my inbox and it showed me a couple pretty reputable providers inboxes and I was freaking out like whoa sh*t. Now I see why some providers never get back to us in a timely manner. One inbox showed over three hundred PMs in just the last three days… when you start seeing site errors like this it’s time to go… can’t chance any thing
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
I still have no access to OH2 and really wish there was a way for me to delete my account. There's bad juju in the air and I am happy living under my rock.

Same thing happened to me but I was able to open the mail and read it I had no idea I was logged into someone else's account I even responded to the pm saying I had no idea what he was talking about. but it would not send ..
thats enough for me lets make TNA big in the south like it is in the north
I logged in and it went into a providers inbox. I saw an old message that I sent her requesting an appointment and quickly replied back to myself saying She would give me 1/2 off a session LOL
chencho's Avatar
I logged in and it went into a providers inbox. I saw an old message that I sent her requesting an appointment and quickly replied back to myself saying She would give me 1/2 off a session LOL Originally Posted by cage196
You sir… have won my laughter of the day! Funny stuff right here lol