To prescreen or not to prescreen, that is the question?

So ladies, do you like getting prescreen request or do you see it as a waste of time? Should a client just wait until he is ready for a specific provider and time then send date request? Which is preferred? I ask this due to some of the responses to the prescreen request. I don't want to upset the ladies by not responding with a specific target date. I've stopped prescreen request for the moment and would love for anyone to impart some insight, please. ;-)
melannie_star's Avatar
I appreciate pre-screen request. A Pre-screen is a formal way to let me know that you have taken interest in me. It gives me a chance to look at your profile and read more about you.. That is when I can make a decision if I think we will be good company for each other or not.

If the pre-screen never turns into a pre-book then I did not do a good enough job of keeping your

To answer your question..yes, I like pre-screen, but that is just me
If you make the appointment far enough in advance (and I'm thinking two days here) it should be enough time for her to screen you. Same day or just a couple hours beforehand, that's rushing it for a first time meet with the 2¢...
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I like to pre-screen. It allows time to get the necessary "paperwork" out of the way.

It also can allow us a chance to get to know each other and maybe flirt a little to build up the excitement before our date. The more comfortable we are with each other, the more we'll both enjoy our time together. Trust me.
Thank you guys very much for the input.

I'll prescreen but not quite be so "Hobby ADD". I'll double the adderall dose. ;-)
Grace Preston's Avatar
To me... the point of the pre-screen is for gents who know they wish to see a lady, but sometimes their schedule is hard to work with... so they get "pre-cleared"... enabling them to message the lady and say "Hey, I have time today between _ and _... can you see me?"

At least... that's how the gents I've seen have worked with the pre-screening.
flanker1017's Avatar
When I see a post or ad that makes me interested in a lady, will try to PM back and forth for a little while to see if I can discover a little about their personality. I the lady only wants to know the day, time and length of session, then I generally drop the pursuit. If they are willing to get to know me a little bit, I will ask them if it is OK if I send them my refs. to see if they think we would be a good fit.

Laura Lynn was one of the first providers I saw, when I first joined the hobby, and she was perfect with someone like me, who was not as experienced as many of you gentlemen.

So, I usually sent the refs. for screening pretty early in the communication with a lady, after I have decided to try to meet them.
I always prefer a gent to pre-screen. I am not available 24/7 and typically do not see anyone last minute. There are days that I may can do same day, but if he hasn't been screened then that meeting is shot. Especially pending on who he uses as a reference. I love it when you guys can plan ahead a little.
redman1501's Avatar
Usually when I first PM someone it's to get the pre-screen out of the way and to find out if the lady has a set bed time or not. My schedule is pretty random and annoying, but I don't want to bother anyone by texting them too late if I'm out and in the mood for adventure and it's already past their bed time. But if I find a window of opportunity to hang out while they're bright eyed and bushy tailed then I'm already screened!
I prefer to pre-screen too. Sometimes it takes a bit for the references to get back. So if I had the clients pre-screened and saved to my hobby phone. I know they are legit.
CaesarC's Avatar
To me... the point of the pre-screen is for gents who know they wish to see a lady, but sometimes their schedule is hard to work with... so they get "pre-cleared"... enabling them to message the lady and say "Hey, I have time today between _ and _... can you see me?"

At least... that's how the gents I've seen have worked with the pre-screening. Originally Posted by GracePreston
This is exactly my situation. I rarely know with more than a couple/few hours notice when I'll be able to meet up with a lady. Pre-screening is a huge thing for me.