Men: What is your favorite body shape/build on a woman?

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Men: What is your favorite body shape/build on a woman?

  • More to love - B B W
  • A little extra - Voluptuous
  • Hourglass - Small Waist, Nice Hips
  • Slender -Thin
  • Spinner - Petite

Is this the body/type of the providers you typically see??
Or do you see who ever Jazzes you that week...No matter what her body type?

I have always had more of an Hourglass shape. Every time a man tells me that he Loves women with curves... that he Loves women with My body shape/ makes me Happy!!!! And, so thankful that we are all attracted to different types of people.

I have surprised a few Gents before. I was a lot different from their usual "Type"... I won them over with my personality first.....then, they found themselves Wildly attracted to me!!

What's your Favorite Body Shape/Build of a Woman???
Or do you just Love us ALL??

~Kelly TNT

I love any body type, Kelly, as long as you are passionate and love what you do!! I just love women, period. And, Kelly, you're at top of my "must see" list.
mtabsw's Avatar
Favorite body type ON a woman? Me!

Seriously - long as they weigh less than me, I'm good. Not big on "waifs"
Im kinda partial to Jade Gambino.....but if a ladiy looks good an has a confidence about her, its all good
slims099's Avatar
Between an Hour Glass and Voluptuous. Skinny waist with nice big boobs is where I'm at. TYPICALLY a medium frame... I'm not much for the small framed women at all. They're like children... ugh...
Saturn's Avatar
depend on the woman - Sexiness is so much in the mind. Kelly all you need to do is look in the mirror - HOT!
1thatgotaway's Avatar
My favorite is hourglass without a doubt. More specifically your hourglass shape is my favorite Ms. Kelly.

warlock's Avatar
Generally speaking I'd have to say thin - slender to spinner - petite, but that is by no means a steadfast rule.
As I get older (mature), I find that what attracts me, or body type if you will, hasn't changed all that much. What I found appealing as a schoolboy still appeals, I just place a higher emphasis on other factors like personality, confidence, sex appeal, and so on, than I used to.
One of the hottest sessions I ever had was with a gal who I would consider at the oppossite end of my 'comfort zone'.
MacTheKnife's Avatar
I like my women to cook with bacon grease.

The bacon grease makes 'em kinda thick with lots of curves, gives them a little bounce in their step and puts a shine on their skin complexion.

BTW, bacon grease will make your feet shrink.

TheWanderer's Avatar
My favorite is hour glass/voluptuous. I like a woman to have some meat on her bones but not be overweight.
But I pretty much like everything except tall/skinny and short/fat.
SASpurfan's Avatar
Kelly, If you stand in front of a mirror you will see my favorite body contour. SAS
lilsmurf's Avatar
I like Kellytnt's shape as well, just says come play to me.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I'm an equal opproyunity employer!
I like most types, but partial to voluptuous. Think Kay Parker and that is perfect.
Depends on the day, and my mood. Essentially, I love all types of women! Variety is the spice of life...