Thanks for your sacrifice, for putting your life on hold, for putting your families life on hold, and maybe even losing your life...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
....but don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. B-bye.

After everything the military has had to go through the other shoe has dropped. Obama is cutting 40,000 soldiers from the army. Which 40,000? Probably the ones that we need, that take the most training, and the ones that will make the difference. Just like any other democratic politician who fires the people who matter the most in order to get a tax increase from the people. Before anyone says it, the sequestor was the idea of Barack Obama.

Now the Navy, Air Force, and Marines can wait their turn while we are intercepting Russian bombers near California.
I thought perhaps the thread title indicated it was about Donald trump
Right, the cut in funding had nothing to do with the reduction.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-08-2015, 12:34 PM
Right, the cut in funding had nothing to do with the reduction. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
JD does not like the results of sequestration. Typical Tea Party logic!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We will be just fine with a smaller defense force, but there are lots more areas to cut. They are starting the cuts with soldiers because the media can interview the affected families, and generate support from the dumb masses to restore and increase military funding so the war profiteers won't suffer any decrease in profits and graft payments.

Like a true, dutiful neocon, JD, you've fallen for the charade.
We will be just fine with a smaller defense force, but there are lots more areas to cut. They are starting the cuts with soldiers because the media can interview the affected families, and generate support from the dumb masses to restore and increase military funding so the war profiteers won't suffer any decrease in profits and graft payments.

Like a true, dutiful neocon, JD, you've fallen for the charade. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It pains me, but I agree with whiskey shits. This is nothing more than an orchestrated move to elicit sympathy, which by your reaction, they have done. They will continue the profits and the oligarchs and plutocrats will notice nary a blip in their profits. You're falling prey to the war of distraction; labeling political ideologies as if any of it matters.
It pains me, but I agree with whiskey shits. This is nothing more than an orchestrated move to elicit sympathy, which by your reaction, they have done. They will continue the profits and the oligarchs and plutocrats will notice nary a blip in their profits. You're falling prey to the war of distraction; labeling political ideologies as if any of it matters. Originally Posted by WombRaider
" Whiskey shits " That must be your favorite flavor when shammy or someone else gives you the ATM treatment !
Obama phones or rifles. This is a no brainier to the Left. There are a hell of a lot more Obama phone recipients than soldiers. And it is much easier to "loose" military ballots than low information voter ballots.
Obama phones or rifles. This is a no brainier to the Left. There are a hell of a lot more Obama phone recipients than soldiers. And it is much easier to "loose" military ballots than low information voter ballots. Originally Posted by Jackie S
C'mon Jackie, you're better than that. There are no 'Obama' phones. You say it's a no brainer for the left, but the neo-liberal plutocrats are just as beholden to big military as their republitard brethren ever were.
Today, 04:29 PM

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It's like a breath of fresh air. I'm sure it was enlightening.
C'mon Jackie, you're better than that. There are no 'Obama' phones. You say it's a no brainer for the left, but the neo-liberal plutocrats are just as beholden to big military as their republitard brethren ever were. Originally Posted by WombRaider

I use the term "Obama Phone" as an all encompassing Synonym for all the promises of the Demagogue to those who are gullible enough to believe that they will get something for nothing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh? That's handy Jackie.
Oh? That's handy Jackie. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That was my thought. It's just easier for white folks to lump all of something together, so they don't get confused. You know, like the "n" word.

Wouldn't want to acknowledge the individuality of anyone, regardless of culture. Of course this is the very goal of the oligarchs who rule Wall St and somehow avoid incarceration despite their continued criminal activity.
Dims are a hodge podge of groups and group rights and privileges think.
They believe in protected classes and don't treat people as individuals, with individual rights and individual responsibilities.

So what is this white people group lumping thing and lack of seeing the individual? That proposition is preposterously topsy turvy and absurdly broad
Dims are a hodge podge of groups and group rights and privileges think.
They believe in protected classes and don't treat people as individuals, with individual rights and individual responsibilities.

So what is this white people group lumping thing and lack of seeing the individual? That proposition is preposterously topsy turvy and absurdly broad Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You dreamt you dwelled in marble halls, constructed on the backs of the black and the brown man, by the very oligarchs and plutocrats whose teat you now suckle at. You are speaking of neoliberalism, no different than neoconservatism. All beholden to Wall st and the machine that demands profits and goddamn the suffering of those who are crushed under its wheels. You buffoons throw around terms like 'liberal' and 'conservative' as if any of it means a goddamn thing. We are playing the game. The great distractions they have constructed so that we feel good and forget about the real joys of life. We are no longer citizens, we are consumers and we can't consume enough.