We Have The Majority

The working class still has the majority in this country. They will vote accordingly. At least, I hope so. The GOP comes in many forms, but their end desire is power and control. For what purpose, I have no idea. However, it is not for the purpose of the working class. Have this in mind when you vote. A lean toward the left is in the right direction.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Democrats are all about power and control, as well. The 1% gets lots of support from the left. You can't trust either side.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The working class still has the majority in this country. They will vote accordingly. At least, I hope so. The GOP comes in many forms, but their end desire is power and control. For what purpose, I have no idea. However, it is not for the purpose of the working class. Have this in mind when you vote. A lean toward the left is in the right direction. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth

Have you been imbibing forbidden herbs?

You ARE wrong again. There is no longer a majority of anything. There is a plurality and that plurality is divided not between the working class and the what? The non-working class? Remember those 47% back in 2012? They are getting some form of government benefit. That is the largest plurality in this country. Those getting a government check oor benefit.

You also have 93 million Americans out of the work force and that is about a third of this country. Another large plurality.