When A Gaffe.......Is Not A Gaffe

So it seems Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush thinks "Americans need to work longer hours". That is how The Hillary Campain is portraying recent remarks he made at a sit down with union leaders.

Of course, she pounced. In their usual "gotcha" mode, Hillary and her lap dogs were quick to point out how out of touch Jeb was.

But, it turns out she was lying, again. Bush was talking about the millions of Americans caught up in part time jobs, jobs with less than 30 hrs that have cropped up due to draconian Government Regulations and ObamaCare.


Even MSNBC says that Hillary has stepped in it, the Republicans will use her exuberance in wanting to discover a "gotcha" moment so bad that she forgot to read what the statement was about.

"Hillary thinks millions of Americans mired in part time employment is just fine".

How's that for a bumper sticker.
He had to come back later and 'clarify'. Which is political code for: "I stepped in shit, now let me fix it". He never said he was talking about part-time workers in the comment, that was afterwards. He can come back afterwards and say anything he wants.
Even his republican rivals aren't buying his bullshit cover story

"Democrats and Republicans alike were skeptical about Bush’s explanation that he was talking about Americans with part-time jobs. “I don’t buy it,” a senior adviser to a Republican rival said. “Give me a break,” another said."
He had to come back later and 'clarify'. Which is political code for: "I stepped in shit, now let me fix it". He never said he was talking about part-time workers in the comment, that was afterwards. He can come back afterwards and say anything he wants. Originally Posted by WombRaider
" Stepping in shit " is so familiar to you and your hero odummer that you've come to like the feel of it between your unwashed toes woomby ! You're real good about crawfishing a way from statements that you've made in the beginning of a thread to try to keep from having your well worn ass handed to you ( Not that you don't mind that when you're working at Talleywackers glory hole !! ) And how many times has your hero had his words "refined" by his press spokesperson in his miserable reign ? " If you like your Doctor / healthcare plan, you can keep it ! "
Of course, when in doubt, we can always go back and check. While I'm no Jeb Bush fan, He is right on this one.


My take is...."Hillary wants to enslave more Americans in a part time 30 hour work week".