advice on the best most exciting providor in the area?

hey everybody! i will be visting the Nola area over the next three weeks, would love to meet a few of your awesome providors and have a little fun. your thoughts and advice on who is a must see. best bbbj? providors feel free to chime in and send a PM. thx
myren1900's Avatar
Outstanding provider and performing the absolute best BBBJ south of the North Pole. She is a legend:

Seeking ~P

^ Thank you for the mention
Each Gentlemen is different and likes different things. What is awesome to some might be lackluster to others. Just do your research and make a list of ladies who might fit your criteria and narrow it down to a few of those. Good luck babe..

SoSexyMsT's Avatar
There are plenty of great ladies in this area ��
myren1900's Avatar
- not sure why this particular thread was bumped ?

There is nothing lackluster about a Seeking ~P bbbj, rather a blockbuster experience for any man !!!

- not sure why this particular thread was bumped ?

Originally Posted by myren1900

that gossip emoji tho

I wonder why it was bumped myself


There are plenty of great ladies in this area Originally Posted by SoSexyMsT

agreed! x
Each Gentlemen is different and likes different things. What is awesome to some might be lackluster to others. Just do your research and make a list of ladies who might fit your criteria and narrow it down to a few of those. Good luck babe..

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
There is no hidden agenda here. I just commented on the post. So all of this psssst and shhhh, and malicious intent is not necessary.....

I have no reason to be dramatic nor have I any animosity towards anyone here.

People who know, know, and people who don't know just assume....

#6 Thank you !
Like I said once and I will say it again, no hidden agenda here. No slugs were thrown at you ~P.

Let's get the real issue out here on the table since you seem to be trying to get people to side with you...

You got a text message on your phone or something, and it was sent by a racist POS. and you sent it to me, and I read it and said I was sorry this happened to you..
YOU got mad and said I wasn't on your side, I didn't/couldn't possibly understand what or how you feel. In other words since I am not black I couldn't get you....

Then you told me to loose your #, and don't contact you anymore... Some sisterhood you got going on here. SMH

When you said it was slow in LC, I was the 1st one to tell you to come to Nola, and I welcomed you into my home, made you feel at home until you found a place to live. Did I not. So my not being black didn't matter then??

Then you proceeded to highlight issues in my home that you didn't find to your liking. (not going to go there with them)
You and I shared food, among other things. I cooked you ate, you cooked I ate, and yet I am still white...

You had no issues with any of this, until it suited you. Until you got up on your feet then you slapped me in my face with the I am not understanding you things...

So let's be clear, once again there is no hidden agenda here. Just seems like you are throwing bricks at me and hiding your hands. If you got something to direct to me, please don't send others to do it, do it yourself...

And for those of you who don't know, now you do...

I hate to air out laundry, but now people have the facts and can be clear on the subject for those who were wondering.

I will and have helped many ladies and will continue to do so. I hate drama...

Now back to this thread. the OP asked a question and I think I answered it in post #2 or so...

Like I said find a set of ladies you like , narrow it down, and what might fine to some, (meaning myself) might be lackluster to others. Meaning some guys may like/love me and some will not which was the intended original post I made. Not everything is directed or intended for you ~P...

This probably should’ve stayed private between the two of you....but I’m sure some of the DAWGs are preparing the popcorn as we speak....
Only the ones who are messy are going to get the popcorn. I stated my case and it's closed.

myren1900's Avatar

Since you asked for it ...