theccccrider2015's Avatar
I don't know about you dudes, but I am not desperate, I am getting tired of these prime rib fucking rates an getting pork chops in return! What I am saying is a lot of girls here want 300 to 400 an hour, and then they post these awesome model like pictures selling the whole fantasy deal. Yet, once you go see them (not all of them) and put up the prime rib cash they ask for, then they want to deliver pork chops to you! Here's the deal, and I have seen many women on this site, as well as other sites. Not all of these women do this, but I am starting to see a trend. I have paid 150 an hour before, and never ever blinked an eye at the girls presentation. I mean come on its $150 an hour for nasty dirty sex! When a girl charges me $300 an hour, I am not wanting to go there seeing her with her fucking hair in a bun, no make up on, yoga pants like she just came in from running errands or doing the dishes. Fuck, that's what my ex old lady use to do for her presentation, and I got rid of all that. So, I am not going to pay for the same shit here on fantasy island! Then, this girl goes in the bathroom throws H2O on her puss, puts on a nighty yet still has the musky odor from the day, then comes out wanting to have sex. Yet, she still wants $300 for all this.. FUCK THIS! The next fucking time I walk into a room and the girl has her hair in a head band or bun, and street clothes on without bathing, then I'm politely getting the fuck out of there. Fuck all that bullshit!!! There are 3 parts to this whole thing ladies, and 1 is PRESENTATION!!, 2 is being genuine / personality, and 3 is definitely the sex! If you want to have dirty nasty HO sex, then fine just charge $150 for it, just dont try to charge me prime rib rates for the same $150 dirty fuckin pork chops!!!

Don't mean to offend anyone, just tired of the crap!

I'm OUT!
wildwing's Avatar
Ccc i am not a huge spender but i like a lady to work with me. Not all guys are single or business owners. But hey if thats the price we pay for top shelf, it is what it is. BUT professing a level of work and not providing is so wrong.
theccccrider2015's Avatar
I am just saying, if I go to see someone from here, and I walk in, and it looks less then advertised, then I am just going to leave, and take my money with me from now on, for me there is 3 parts to this, and initial presentation is top, with personality, and then of course why we are there, I am a customer, enough said.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 09-17-2018, 10:26 PM
And you have every right to feel that way. Every right. Your very right. I mean you are spending the money. Presentation is everything and being personable is just as big if NOT BIGGER than the sex part...Reading through your frustration you are actually very right. Its not cool at all.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 09-17-2018, 10:30 PM
My motto is if you can't come correctly don't at all or at least reschedule
theccccrider2015's Avatar
Lia, thanks! I may just have to bring my tall Latin ass to Slidell...
As a woman, I myself cannot see why any woman who is in this industry wouldn't want to be presentable when it is YOUR goods you are selling. A bubble bath or shower is necessary for good workmanship....
I love to smell like fresh dove soap and wear a nice outfit for the client(s).
I believe you only have 1 time to make a good 1st impression...

Please look like your pictures, and represent yourself in the best possible light. Don't advertise with stolen pictures from a model somewhere in England ect.

I agree with your frustration ect.I GET IT!!

On the flip side us ladies that see gentlemen would also like to have a clean and refreshed smelling gentlemen. A gentlemen who has freshly showered and looks presentable.
I always have nice clean showers available for your usage....

In a nutshell both parties need to make a conscience effort to present themselves in the best possible way for the session to go off smoothly.

Men can spend their dollars anywhere so be glad they came to you and be prepared and look nice and smell clean...

theccccrider2015's Avatar
Like I said its not all, they know who they are, and I don't know if I'm the 1st to call this out, but enough already! Take 30 minutes to freshen up, and not just a 3 minute slap h2o on your ass.. Goes for everyone dudes included.
You can find some good ladies in the Nola and BR area for $200 to $300.
Just have to be ready when they are ready.
I work a fucked up schedule and several fucked up locations.
It's hard for me to pre-book due to that. But when I know I will be in a good area, I do pre-book where I can, to make sure I get some stress relief after a hard work schedule.
Do your research. Stay away from WK reviews. You can tell who the WK's are by their reviews...
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
I understand the frustration. I'd be upset, too. First impressions matter so much.
This is a biz about creating positive experiences.
I am ok with no make up, if they look good with no make up.
The plus side of reviews.
theccccrider2015's Avatar
Lol.. Yeah well I would still give her a yes reccomendation, but she needs to tighten up her ship, its not just the make up, but the sex was good. I'm just saying for the amount of money she wants the presentation sucked. Plus I scheduled a day in advance, so if they couldn't make it then she should of cancelled.
theccccrider2015's Avatar
What does WK mean?
White knight