The Rug Doctor

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2012, 02:40 PM

looks like Donnie got his hat trimmed ...

from the article

Picture this scene: You’ve got Mitt making a final, earnest appeal to voters concerned about the economy. Then The Donald comes bursting through the door like Kramer into Jerry Seinfeld’s apartment, shouting about college records and charities and $5 million. Will the wavering voters stay put? Or will they flee down the hall while saying “we’ll think about it” over their shoulders?

sounds exactly like the dipshits here doesnt it?

TheDaliLama's Avatar
You'd make a good writer for that "Little Show about Nothing".
Donald duck is sharper...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Donald Trump needs to STFU. What an idiot. How did he get to be rich, anyway?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2012, 03:55 PM
Donald Trump needs to STFU. What an idiot. How did he get to be rich, anyway? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy


that from the guy who chirped constantly about obies college transcripts?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He shouldn't have to be bribed, he should do it because he's honest. But he's not, so he won't. And Trump is only after publicity.

And I never demanded that Obama release those records, my point was if you were going to demand the tax returns from Romney, then why not relevant records from Obama?

You have such a difficult time understanding things.
This issue will not go away for Obama; historians will demand to see it....leaving this information out of his presidential library will leave the door open for historical speculation about what it is he is hiding....the missing records will be a blemish on an already failed presidency....sealing the speculation of the 1st Manchurian President.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2012, 04:26 PM
This issue will not go away for Obama; historians will demand to see it....leaving this information out of his presidential library will leave the door open for historical speculation about what it is he is hiding....the missing records will be a blemish on an already failed presidency....sealing the speculation of the 1st Manchurian President. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

you start a thread telling donnie to stfu

now youre his trained parrot

yer killin me pal
My Shut Up Thread was written before we knew what Trump's issue was....I thought he was going after Obama on cocaine use/dealing or the divorce.......

This issue is important and citizens have the right to know this kind of information about a candidate. We got it from all recent candidates, why not Obama? He is hiding something.

you start a thread telling donnie to stfu

now youre his trained parrot

yer killin me pal Originally Posted by CJ7
He shouldn't have to be bribed, he should do it because he's honest. But he's not, so he won't. And Trump is only after publicity.

And I never demanded that Obama release those records, my point was if you were going to demand the tax returns from Romney, then why not relevant records from Obama?

You have such a difficult time understanding things. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Romney says he hid his Tax Returns where nobody will find them. I suspect he hid them under Obama's College Transcripts, lol
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2012, 05:01 PM
My Shut Up Thread was written before we knew what Trump's issue was....I thought he was going after Obama on cocaine use/dealing or the divorce.......

This issue is important and citizens have the right to know this kind of information about a candidate. We got it from all recent candidates, why not Obama? He is hiding something. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
so you spout off about shit you dont even know what youre spouting off about because you thought ... got it


uh, ok ... whatever ya say

you and donnie stick together and run off the middle ground .. when willard gets his ass handed to him because dipshits yammer inane tripe like Trumpster the Dumpster (and you) blame it on the dems or the media or anything other than dumb ass republicans