With streaming television becoming more and more popular, and providers like Aereo making an end-run around cable and satellite providers, a lot of attention is being paid to the future of bundled cable. In a world of growing choices and a weak, jobless economy, how long can something last that charges customers a ton of money for dozens of channels they never watch?

Bundled cable is, in my opinion, one of the greatest hustles ever perpetuated against the American people. The worst part is how it works as a kind of affirmative-action program for left-wing programming that likely wouldn’t survive in a world where we weren't forced to pay for channels we never watch. Chief among them, CNN, and MSNBC.

As this discussion heats up, analysts and experts are fessing up that in a world without bundled cable, only 20 television networks would survive (that means that around 80 would not). Presumably, the survivors would be the twenty most-watched channels throughout the cable world. This would be terrible news for CNN, MSNBC, and HLN -- networks that usually rank in the thirties and forties. Fox News is usually in the top 5.

Network executives -- whose bottom lines are boosted by as much as 50% from cable subscriber fees that have little to do with merit and everything to do with being able to muscle a cable provider into carrying a low-rated channel -- are, for obvious reasons, opposed to the idea of unbundling bundled cable. Some even claim that the profit loss would hurt the viewer the most because there would be less money to conduct the experimentation that produces the television shows we love so much.

Nobody is really buying that.

What really terrifies the big media conglomerates is how the end of bundled cable would financially devastate their companies and along with it the cultural stranglehold they enjoy that is propagated through artificial means. The end of bundled cable means the end of tens of billions of dollars per year earned only by forcing consumers to pay for something they don't use, and the end of dozens of channels -- like MSNBC, CNN, MTV, etc. -- that affect our culture and politics in the worst ways.

When you remove merit from television, what we are seeing now is what we get -- cultural, left-wing rot.

Something CNN and MSNBC might want to consider as the existential threat of cord-cutting looms over them (people who cancel cable television) is that one reason this might be happening is Obama's failed economy -- you know, the economy they keep telling us is acceptable--the one created by the president and the policies he champions…

If the economy actually was something close to acceptable, people wouldn't care about the size of their cable bills, which means we probably wouldn't even be having this discussion.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC
Cut cable/satellite tv; stream the internet to your tv to get programming you want...................
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You know I don't like cut and paste without personal input. Nolte is right though. If they unbundle the cable stations then the marginal stations (MSNBC, HG TV, Cartoon Network, etc.) will fail. Not likely to happen but I would like the option of a personalized package (three local channels, two cable news outlets, one premimum movie channel, and maybe 10 other channels, my choice). I just don't watch enough Mork and Mindy, Rachel Maddow, or makeup tips to justify paying for them.
I was a full up premium Direct TV subscriber for more than 12 years; $150/month.....I dropped it all...have a Roku, stream only the programming I want....cut my costs back to under $25 per month (Hulu Plus, Amazon, HBO Go, and Netflix).......don't miss all the channels....I do miss the golf channel...but most of the tournaments (especially the majors) are streamed live on the internet........I also have an exterior antenna to get broadcast local tv (about 35 channels)...and the HD quality of the broadcast channels is superior to cable. Plenty of content to watch - more than you can imagine.

De bundling is coming......Fox News (and others) would be smart to cut out the middle guy and offer their content directly to subscribers like myself. In fact Fox has started the process; they are offering some limited live programming thru their Roku the 2 years, I have noticed more providers are offering more content directly.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-13-2013, 01:39 PM
Whackadooooooooooooooooooos. Originally Posted by timpage


now its cable tv, tomorrow the moon ...

oh wait ................
Whackadooooooooooooooooooos. Originally Posted by timpage
Notwithstanding all that, big changes are a'coming to cable TV.

I am sick and tired of laying out about $170 month for U-verse premium service - and it is not even the top plan.

If you want HBO and Showtime, you get raped by the cable companies.

I recently "discovered" Netflix because I wanted to start watching Breaking Bad from the first season. So, I got an Apple TV and subscribed for about $8 or $9 per month.

I can easily see myself cutting out ATT and getting just HBO and Showtime, plus Netflix and getting everything else from free basic cable and the Internet.

I don't know jack about HBO Go. How much per month is it? Does it have all HBO shows?
Notwithstanding all that, big changes are a'coming to cable TV.

I am sick and tired of laying out about $170 month for U-verse premium service - and it is not even the top plan.

If you want HBO and Showtime, you get raped by the cable companies.

I recently "discovered" Netflix because I wanted to start watching Breaking Bad from the first season. So, I got an Apple TV and subscribed for about $8 or $9 per month.

I can easily see myself cutting out ATT and getting just HBO and Showtime, plus Netflix and getting everything else from free basic cable and the Internet.

I don't know jack about HBO Go. How much per month is it? Does it have all HBO shows? Originally Posted by ExNYer
I am totally on-board. With cheaper TV, not the cultural tsunami that will sweep the land once this happens....per Whirly'tard.

I just have one question: will I still get the Rangers on Fox Sports Southwest in HD?
Like radio, liberal oriented Tv news will fail without bundling....

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-13-2013, 03:35 PM
you can pay $500 for a premium home game, home plate, single seat, per game ..

and get to hear the dude in front of you stand up and scream " HEY MOTHERFUCKER, I DIDNT PAY 500 BUCKS TO WATCH YOU STRIKE OUT !!!
JCM800's Avatar
you can download HBO/Showtime shows from Pirate Bay. and if you already have a Roku or a WDLive box you can stream them from your PC to your TV.

just another alternative for TV
HBO GO has all the hbi programming real time! Any Hbo subscriber can get Hbo go kn io to 3 devices...think creative.

No you will nit get fix sw sports rangers...but you can buy mlb ducks right now, but they are changing.
Sorry..bumping around on waves.
HBO GO has all the hbi programming real time! Any Hbo subscriber can get Hbo go kn io to 3 devices...think creative.

No you will nit get fix sw sports rangers...but you can buy mlb ducks right now, but they are changing. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
HBO subscriber?

You mean through U-verse or a direct subscription set up first with HBO?

How much $$ per month?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-13-2013, 06:16 PM
HBO subscriber?

You mean through U-verse or a direct subscription set up first with HBO?

How much $$ per month? Originally Posted by ExNYer

with a Sea Keeper gyro stabilizer like whirlie has on his skiff or without ?