Is Oprah a saint or a liar?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since no one has started a thread on the most important event in our daily lives (according to TMZ and Entertainment Tonight) I will start one.

Oprah (who is worth $3 billion) claims that on a recent visit to Zurich, Switzerland she experienced racism from a clerk. Now since we have been told that racism is all about power (clerk vs billionaire) do you believe her? Points to consider. Her show is gone, her network is continually in trouble financially and she is in movie that is showing now. She has already been spoken of in Oscar langauge. So she has many reasons for causing a scene.

Recently someone here attempted to chastise me over not believing in Oprah but she has a history of this. In 2005 Oprah showed up at a closing store in Paris. They refused to stay open for the rich American woman so she ran to a microphone and shouted racism! Within 24 hours the store apologized to the ungracious person and opened their store at her convenience just for her.

I read she made $77MM last year. I guess she can do or say whatever she wants. Any reason to believe the story is not true Professor? I believe the store and the clerk involved both acknowledged that it happened. She wanted to look at a $38,000.00 purse. Insane, but her business. She was told that she couldn't see the purse because she couldn't afford it.

What is more interesting about Oprah is this and I am very surprised that one of you knuckleheads didn't post up about it...Oprah comparing Trayvon Martin to Emmett Till.
I just looked up the Paris story. It doesn't surprise me that Oprah would cry racism even so it was after hours. Would I have opened up the store that caters only to the highest end of high end fashion? Do you want to know the honest to God truth? I'm sure I would have opened the doors a French or very well known in Europe somebody that was recognizable at a glance. Hermes is in the business of catering to the rich and their whims. It's the clientele they serve; they should be used to it. Would I open it for a fat, black woman that I've never heard of or seen ever? No, in all honesty probably not. Not that I'm a bigot. I just wouldn't hold over my staff for an unknown quantity. Would that be racism? No, it would be classism, but like I said Hermes is in the business with the top 1%ers.

Do I believe the clerk said to Opra the bag was too expensive to let her touch it in Zurich? Probably not. At least not that point blank like that. I was in Zurich this past summer. From what I saw, and I did some pretty high-end shopping there, the Swiss are pretty open about thanks for coming with your money. Feel free to come back with your money anytime. That said, I could see them being snotty, but to say you can't afford it and therefore you can't touch it? I don't know about that. Bet they have security footage though. If they were shy about letting her touch a $42,000 bag, bet the camera was trained on her from the second she walked into the store. It'd be pretty easy to find out. But, I'll bet they smooth it over because they don't want the negative publicity, and I'm sure they were a bit snotty.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Corneyhole, you're just jealous because you don't have either the stones or the cash to act like Oprah. You probably got tossed out of Ross when you were visiting here in Dallas after you used up both sides of your whitey-tighties..
What's hard to believe is that there is one person left on the planet who didn't recognize Oprah.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-13-2013, 02:01 PM
they wouldn't let Rush Limbaugh see the purse either
I don't believe for a second that Oprah was told "she couldn't see the purse because she couldn't afford it".................

If that quote of Oprah is accurate (according to Timmyboy), then I think she is a liar....and the store owner and clerk are denying that anything like that was said.
they wouldn't let Rush Limbaugh see the purse either Originally Posted by CJ7
Unless it was filled with oxycontin, I doubt he wanted to....
I don't believe for a second that Oprah was told "she couldn't see the purse because she couldn't afford it".................

If that quote of Oprah is accurate (according to Timmyboy), then I think she is a liar....and the store owner and clerk are denying that anything like that was said. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whatever. I don't know if she was or wasn't and don't care but it seems odd that she would make such a thing up. She doesn't need money or attention.....
Yes, exactly.....So why is Oprah sowing seeds of racism??? To create buzz for her movie?

I just looked up the Paris story. It doesn't surprise me that Oprah would cry racism even so it was after hours. Would I have opened up the store that caters only to the highest end of high end fashion? Do you want to know the honest to God truth? I'm sure I would have opened the doors a French or very well known in Europe somebody that was recognizable at a glance. Hermes is in the business of catering to the rich and their whims. It's the clientele they serve; they should be used to it. Would I open it for a fat, black woman that I've never heard of or seen ever? No, in all honesty probably not. Not that I'm a bigot. I just wouldn't hold over my staff for an unknown quantity. Would that be racism? No, it would be classism, but like I said Hermes is in the business with the top 1%ers.

Do I believe the clerk said to Opra the bag was too expensive to let her touch it in Zurich? Probably not. At least not that point blank like that. I was in Zurich this past summer. From what I saw, and I did some pretty high-end shopping there, the Swiss are pretty open about thanks for coming with your money. Feel free to come back with your money anytime. That said, I could see them being snotty, but to say you can't afford it and therefore you can't touch it? I don't know about that. Bet they have security footage though. If they were shy about letting her touch a $42,000 bag, bet the camera was trained on her from the second she walked into the store. It'd be pretty easy to find out. But, I'll bet they smooth it over because they don't want the negative publicity, and I'm sure they were a bit snotty. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-13-2013, 04:13 PM
Is Oprah a saint or a liar? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Not to many folks I really do not care for but I have always not cared for that phony bitch.

Even if the story is correct, how can one feel sorry for some billionaire denied access to looking at a 42k purse. BoofuckingHoo.
Yes, exactly.....So why is Oprah sowing seeds of racism??? To create buzz for her movie? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No, she's a racist.
An Al Sharpton "Tawana Brawley " hoax.......intended to keep whitehead on notice?

No, she's a racist. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-13-2013, 05:20 PM
All JD has left is 40 year old bullshit about Clinton and Oprah.

Poor JD
I B Hankering's Avatar
All JD has left is 40 year old bullshit about Clinton and Oprah.

Poor JD Originally Posted by CJ7
Poor JD? JD didn't vote for Odumbo, but your poor, pathetic ass did, CBJ7