New Jack In The Box commercial generates controversy over non subtle hints at male genitalia.

CG2014's Avatar
I was gonna post this in the thick burgers thread but I don't want to be accused again by the non-moderator who thinks he is a moderator of hijacking threads again so I started a new thread just to make him happy.

New Jack In The Box commercial generates controversy over non subtle hints at male genitalia.

People are so sensitive nowadays! Geeeeee!!

Here's the full commercial:

From the look of them, I bet those are shipped to Jack in the Box frozen and then microwaved when you order them.

I bet they look good on TV but what you actually get is like those frozen dinner bowls you find at the supermarket.

They look good in the photo on the box packaging but the actual product doesn't look anywhere near to the photo.
billw1032's Avatar
OK, then! That really motivates me to run right down to Jack In The Box and try his bowls! NOT!
Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
hahaha I heard this in the car earlier and it had me cracking up... remember the "Ship your pants" commercial from K-Mart.. GREATNESS
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 08-08-2018, 08:12 PM
I remember the Kmart ship your pants it was great. this is called the pussification of America. Too many people are pussies. Just fuckin get over it!!!!
CG2014's Avatar
This 2013 K-Mart commercial had an incredible 10 million views on YouTube in its first 4 days of online release:
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 08-08-2018, 08:33 PM
This 2013 K-Mart commercial had an incredible 10 million views on YouTube in its first 4 days of online release: Originally Posted by CG2014

that is a classic....i loved that commercial
Chung Tran's Avatar
I heard the Jack N Box commercial.. I didn't think it was funny. just juvenile, really.. like 9-14 year-olds would giggle at hearing. no prudity on my end, it's just not funny.

I didn't think Wayne's World and Beavis and Butthead were funny either.
CG2014's Avatar
The Jack In The Box commercial, it's been reported, it's loosely inspired by this SNL skit:
Shweaty bowls...
Dickens Cider should do a commercial. Oh wait...they did.
Of course, the commercial is juvenile. However, I thought it witty and entertaining. The firm that does Jack in the Box commercials, to me, do some of the best work in entertaining. For those who are offended, grow a pair ... uhhh ... of bowls. I get tired of the PC world we live in. The problem with social media is that everyone has an Internet voice no matter how stupid they are. Just because you are offended does not makes you right.

.......but all this is another thread that is probably boring in its own right and not worth the effort.
Of course they do a lot of commercials on TV and print media. Butt, has anyone ever noticed that the pictures they ad look nothing like what you actually see in their fast food joints? Tgtbt a lot
Of course they do a lot of commercials on TV and print media. Butt, has anyone ever noticed that the pictures they ad look nothing like what you actually see in their fast food joints? Tgtbt a lot Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Agree, their food looks much better in the ads. Their tacos are the worst in town
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yea but people are talking about it ,,,,