Best Hobby Vacation Location?

I'd like to take a vacation and fuck and 8 or higher every day for a week.

Where is the best place to go if you're looking for the best deal on balance including travel and hobby expenses? Would you stay in the country? Maybe even stay in Texas? Or head to a different country? I've heard that Quebec is great but would happily cross the globe for the most fun.

I don't have an ethnicity preference but if I did I would lean toward African/ebony women.
Oh and overnight stays could be a big bonus but are not mandatory.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Anywhere outside of the US.
If budget is not a problem hit Reno. Lots to do and a lot of legal places within driving distance.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'd love to visit Reno and will try to do that one day. I'm mainly curious on how to find the best deal for a week of fun. Part of the reason I'm leaning toward overseas is that I've heard that it's possible to get great company for an entire day compared to US prices. I wonder if flying to South America or the Caribbean would give me the best deal including air and accommodations.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Thanks for the suggestions. I'd love to visit Reno and will try to do that one day. I'm mainly curious on how to find the best deal for a week of fun. Part of the reason I'm leaning toward overseas is that I've heard that it's possible to get great company for an entire day compared to US prices. I wonder if flying to South America or the Caribbean would give me the best deal including air and accommodations. Originally Posted by andrews54321
You will always get the best deal outside of the US. South America is great. Mexico is even closer. GDL and CDMX has great oprions.
TexTushHog's Avatar
New York City and LA if money is no object. Both great hobby towns if you’re loaded.
GaGambler's Avatar
Thanks for the suggestions. I'd love to visit Reno and will try to do that one day. I'm mainly curious on how to find the best deal for a week of fun. Part of the reason I'm leaning toward overseas is that I've heard that it's possible to get great company for an entire day compared to US prices. I wonder if flying to South America or the Caribbean would give me the best deal including air and accommodations. Originally Posted by andrews54321
You do need to check the latest COVID protocols, but if you prefer "brown" women, especially deep chocolate I have to say the DR will give you the best value. To put things in perspective Dominicanas will fly to Costa Rica to "work" because they can make a lot more money in CR than at home.

Rates in most of the DR are around $30 for a session with overnights being in the $100 range. By Contrast Costa Rica is more in the $100-150 range for a session with overnights in the $3-500 range. Colombia is also great, but I don't know if I would recommend it to a first time traveler to Latin America. It's helpful, but not necessary to be able to speak Spanish in either the DR or CR, but while it's still not necessary to be a fluent Spanish speaker in Colombia, it's much tougher to get around if you can't speak any Spanish at all.
You do need to check the latest COVID protocols, but if you prefer "brown" women, especially deep chocolate I have to say the DR will give you the best value. To put things in perspective Dominicanas will fly to Costa Rica to "work" because they can make a lot more money in CR than at home.

Rates in most of the DR are around $30 for a session with overnights being in the $100 range. By Contrast Costa Rica is more in the $100-150 range for a session with overnights in the $3-500 range. Colombia is also great, but I don't know if I would recommend it to a first time traveler to Latin America. It's helpful, but not necessary to be able to speak Spanish in either the DR or CR, but while it's still not necessary to be a fluent Spanish speaker in Colombia, it's much tougher to get around if you can't speak any Spanish at all. Originally Posted by GaGambler

DR sounds great! Any suggestions of what part to visit or how to find the best providers?
GaGambler's Avatar
DR sounds great! Any suggestions of what part to visit or how to find the best providers? Originally Posted by andrews54321
Since you are interested in "quantity" I would suggest someplace like BlackBeards, there is another review site that is very helpful for international mongering, but I don't post here often enough to know the board rules regarding posting links to competing sites. Feel free to drop me a PM and I'll be happy to give it to you.

One thing to avoid is the "all inclusive" resorts, both the ones that have women on site, they are a ripoff price wise and the ones that just include "all you can eat and drink" included in the price of the stay, those places do not allow visitors and it's a waste of money to book a room and not be able to bring girls back to your room.
mtabsw's Avatar
There's a lot of hot-looking Toronto and Montreal pros on twitter, many with 411 IDs with Dallas kind of 300-400 pricing.

When I traveled on business to Toronto a few years back the pros were all top drawer and mid-range priced.
In my youth I mongered my way across Nevada, visiting a dozen or more brothels in a ten day period. It was entertaining and not too expensive (this was the ‘80s), but I’m told these days everything is covered, and the prices are higher. But a great way for a bachelor to spend a couple of weeks. Remember Las Vegas county is not legal.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
German FKK clubs are worthy of a visit if you are traveling to Europe.
Moscow. Without a doubt.

Secondly, Kiev now that all the Maidan shit has blown over.

3rd: Ralph was spot on about FKK clubs. But don't forget the amateur artists/students in East Berlin.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-08-2020, 02:24 PM
Medellin Columbia if you like hot Latinas