OK Newbie …. OH NO …. You didn’t!

First off, I typically don’t like to post negative threads and that’s not the intention here.

The purpose is to say to the newbies …. Don’t screw up a good thing right outta the gate.

I won’t go into complete detail …. We’ve all heard it before … NCNS.

The problem is, I had made it a personal policy not to see newbies under 40.
Little care for responsibility and respect for the hobby.
Altho …. They will charm your socks off trying to make an appointment.

Unfortunately, I decided to give a newbie a chance and he is much younger than 40.

Sounded very professional, well versed, considerate and thoughtful.

It was a late night appointment (which was another exception).
After getting myself ready, prettied up and prepared my incall, lo and behold …. Time passed, no text, no call, no nothing.

So, newbies please take note.
Now he is blacklisted and it will probably make it a challenge to book with certain well known providers.
Just sayin.
shooter6.5's Avatar
Experienced Well Reviewed GFE
Sexy -Mature - Sensual - Intelligent - Confident

She is all of those things and was a hell of a visit back when I was younger.

Sorry that happened to you but it seems to be a thing that is more common now--that being said, it definitely is happening on both sides of this adventure.
Aaawwwwe .... Shooter! ..
When I noticed you posted to the thread ... I thought ... boy I'm in trouble!

You taught me the ropes.
I expected you to say ... GIIRRL! You should have known better! LOL!
.. :
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 12-27-2020, 09:32 AM
Torre, you broke two of your own rules. While frustrating, kind of your own fault right?
sexxxymalia's Avatar
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I would also be frustrated myself. I do not see newbies myself for that same exact reason.
Torre, you broke two of your own rules. While frustrating, kind of your own fault right? Originally Posted by motor
Yup....my bad .... guilty as charged.

But dang ... sometimes you just wanna loosen your belt... ya know?
I think this is the first time I am actually glad I am over 40
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 12-27-2020, 11:12 AM
[QUOTE=Torre Tames;1062310040]Yup....my bad .... guilty as charged.

But dang ... sometimes you just wanna loosen your belt... ya know?[/QUOTE

I do. But remember the old saying " No good deed goes unpunished".

Never fails when you try to accomodate someone else.
billw1032's Avatar
I think it's not just in the hobby world. People in general are more irresponsible about keeping appointments. How many reminders do you get when you make a doctor or dentist appointment? I had a regular dental checkup a few weeks ago and I think I got 5 or 6 reminders by email and text message, starting about one month before, even though I confirmed the appointment. The same thing happens for doctor appointments. It seems to be necessary everywhere these days.
Soccerjunky's Avatar
Not to give the DB who stood her up an excuse, but wondering out loud:

Will people who are less accustomed to leaving the house be worse post-pandemic at keeping appointments or showing up on time? Will this be one of the many unexpected societal changes that we are forced to deal with for a while?

Anyhow, the lack of maturity is disappointing, and if he has trouble getting appointments in the future, he has no one to blame but himself.
Bestman200600's Avatar
If he gets blacklisted in the ladies powder room he will regret standing up Torre.
If he gets blacklisted in the ladies powder room he will regret standing up Torre. Originally Posted by Bestman200600
I decided to give him 24 hrs to contact me just in case it was a true emergency (damn, sometimes I'm just too nice).
Still not a peep from him.

After this time period, I will post his handle and contact info in the Powder room... both on this site and others.

Thanks Bestman for bringing this up. Hopefully most ladies will look him up before scheduling an appointment. Time truly is too precious to waste ;-)
As a hobbyist over sixty, I would say most our age are Polite, well mannered @ punctual
not mention so grateful to be with u!!!!
pmdelites's Avatar
torre, sorry you didnt get some post-christmas delites :^{

glad all you were out was some revenue.
at least you didnt have to travel anywhere.

best wishes for end-of-year as well as new year delites!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-28-2020, 06:10 PM
Business must be slow that this ONE appointment didn't show up and you had to make a threAD, you're still hoping the newbie calls 24hrs after? For what exactly?

Maybe he changed his mind and visited someone else, time to move on TT. Don't break your own rules next time, newbie was a better BSR than you LOL, can't win them all