Craziest Phone Calls

I got a call today where the guy just breathed into the phone and didn't say anything.


It got me to thinking about past weird phone calls I've had.

I had a guy once ask me to bury him up to his chin in my back yard and then sit next to him in my bathing suit and read a book while ignoring him. I wasn't really into digging a giant hole in my back yard.

There was another who called (had never seen him before) to ask if we could watch a movie together on my couch so that he could decide afterward if he felt like paying me for "something more". When I politely said no, he started yelling at me and calling me very derogatory names, I guess to change my mind? Click.

And then there was the one where he promised with all his heart that he would pay me my fee for an hour if I would simply call him before my next date and let him listen in the entire hour. Not that it mattered, but of course he wouldn't pay me before this occurred, only afterward. No thanks.

At the risk of getting more of these in the very near future, I have to admit that I really love these phone calls These are the funny stories that keep my job entertaining and fun! Some can be a little hurtful, but most turn into good stories to tell

Anyone else wanna share?
Lateralus's Avatar
I'm so sorry to highjack this thread, but I have this cool story to share. I called up this hot chick today and just breathed into her phone. I bet she totally got off on it.
Lateralus was that you who called me
Sounds like he was busy with the phone today
I know that always gets me REALLY hot.....LOL
Well I have been on a cruise and not caring about internet access..but got back, reading post and had to post one of my craziest phone calls EVER!!..

Like just a few weeks ago, my phone rings I answer it and on the other end is a professional sounding man.. he inquires about a date..and here is the crazy part..

He ask "can you do an OUTCALL to Little rock, perhaps shackleford area, markham area, maybe the airport, he didn't know exactly where he would be staying".. ya i know that is the craziest thing ever huh!!

or atleast it should be if you keep up with the boards..

oh and ya.. he had a handle, references, all that good stuff..

ACTUALLY..making the whole thing up..never happened..but gotta poke a little fun at how crazy that phone call should sound should you get one asking that!!

now on to the truth..

few years 2005 or so.. shreveport got a little "hot".. past client sees me for 1hr.. a few weeks later i return to shreveport and same client CALLS ME.. says to me

"hey i wanna see you again and I also recommended you to a friend that will probably see you before I do.. now i will warn you that he may show up in his uniform.." having seen other military men in the area I figured that was what he was talking about.. so i said oh he is in the military.. to which he says

"no he is a local police officer, but he is totally cool, he just sees some girls on the side, its totally legit, you can trust me"..

needless to say neither date happened.. i flew out to houston and that nite there were alerts on said client and said "officer" busting girls lmao.. crazy phone call..

Had a guy call me to tell me I was such a nasty whore that I should pay him to fuck me good..
Lonesome's Avatar
Had a guy call me to tell me I was such a nasty whore that I should pay him to fuck me good.. Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
You left us in suspense.....did THAT date happen?
thats the kicker lonesome..

1 thing that is for woman that "wants it" has trouble finding atleast one willing guy ready to oblige.. which is why its goofy for starters that a guy would think a girl would pay him..and #2 that girls jump on here selling the concept you need to see them cuz they are soooooo horny and need some cock..if they need it to bad.. give it away..plenty of hobbyiest wouldn't mind a freebie..

so naw..the date didn't happen..i prefer to keep the freebies to guys that don't pay for it in general

You left us in suspense.....did THAT date happen? Originally Posted by Lonesome
so naw..the date didn't happen..i prefer to keep the freebies to guys that don't pay for it in general Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv

Awhhhh, come on, DeAnna . . . you know all males pay for it in one way or another.
ar... more true words perhaps have never been spoken.. married, single, hobbyiest, it don't the some way, shape form or fashion.. a guy pays for it when trying to get sex..

I mean i could have shared the general crazy phone calls.. guys asking to either give or take various "showers"... guys asking if they can tie me up, leave come back later and play.. guys asking if i will let them choke me (perhaps thats my posting habits coming back to bite me who knows)... guys asking if they freeze their cum like a popsicle if i will eat the popsicle when we see each other.. and various other crazy phone calls
Guest032213's Avatar
why? i mean its not annoying.. breaks up sometimes rather boring days.. and its funny just to see what odd request, craziness will come out of some of the guys via the phone..

nope.. strangely..same number for the last 13 years.. 8 being used as an escort.. no need to change it.. like i said..its funny to me
Lily u are soo funny Thanx for the laughs you guys
OMG i had this guy who wanted me to wrap him totally in saran-wrap (poke a small hole thru where his mouth is) and leave him there for three hours and shop "on him" and come back! I said UMM NOOOOOO i don't think so!
I got a call today where the guy just breathed into the phone and didn't say anything.


It got me to thinking about past weird phone calls I've had.

I had a guy once ask me to bury him up to his chin in my back yard and then sit next to him in my bathing suit and read a book while ignoring him. I wasn't really into digging a giant hole in my back yard.

There was another who called (had never seen him before) to ask if we could watch a movie together on my couch so that he could decide afterward if he felt like paying me for "something more". When I politely said no, he started yelling at me and calling me very derogatory names, I guess to change my mind? Click.

And then there was the one where he promised with all his heart that he would pay me my fee for an hour if I would simply call him before my next date and let him listen in the entire hour. Not that it mattered, but of course he wouldn't pay me before this occurred, only afterward. No thanks.

At the risk of getting more of these in the very near future, I have to admit that I really love these phone calls These are the funny stories that keep my job entertaining and fun! Some can be a little hurtful, but most turn into good stories to tell

Anyone else wanna share? Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
DAMN!!! You mean like go shopping while he was tied up?? HMMM How come I never get those kind of guys LMAO!!