I think the Mods need to create some sub forums in Germany by clubs rather than one long string. I've been coming to Germany non stop the last year and now Spain is in the mix but this guy's reports are far and beyond the most accurate and informative than any other FKK report on this board. A+ job.
I've done over 60 rooms the last year and these reports need to be pinned somehow. They shouldn't get lost in the shuffle and this way anyone headed to Germany and the FKK clubs can simply click on the club they are either interested in or going to. This guys reports should be pinned to the top of each one..Of maybe split the Germany section up in to regions, NRW, Berlin, Hesse etc.
Good job ! I nominate them all for reports of distinction.
I'm here now and about to head to the RLD myself. If anyone is going to be in Germany the end of June send me a PM, I'll be in Frankfort and hitting the clubs in the Hesse area for the most part.