Rates, ect. What you get for your buck?

  • LynnT
  • 01-09-2011, 04:14 PM
So I am new to this particular line of work not business so I am doing some research. As I have been browsing, reading reviews, ect since I joined yesterday..

What do you really expect for a certain rate? Do they have to look like a "super model" before you pay that? Are tattoos and body jewelry a turn off? Do you expect one to be shaved bald?

Will you pay a higher rate for clean, safe, and reliable? Or does hot super model hot take priority?

I know people have different tastes, ect just trying to get some general opinions ect.

Obviously post replies within the forum guidelines. Please feel free to private message be to be a bit more candid.

Now to learn the lingo.. lol Oy I keep using Urban Dictionary. The list here it too jumbled. Almost everything has come up I have searched.

I am not a super model by any means. I dont have huge knockers. Im in good shape for my age. I look about 30 and I am almost 40. I am a good looking chic and I have modeled but .. I have had my rates balked at.. pfft because I have tiny titties..

I see it as I am in pretty good shape, good looking, smart, clean, neat, reliable, and safe. Im also always told I have a great voice and I should do phone sex. lol Im also a horny b@tch so I enjoy my job. I do the job daily if someone else doesn't. I also think good covo is sexy and I can hold one of those. I know some want no talking but most do at least a bit anyways.

I have to get verified.. who is going to come see me??

I charge my rate for what i provide and Im not going to charge less that what i make at my "day" job. Id like to charge more technically but I have to do what works for the market just like I do for my day job. I will customize to client needs per session just like my "day" job as well.

I also have a professional website, not crap cell phone images, ect. I even take credit.

Besides Im fresh meat!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
what is the website?????? Wish you in Rochester. You sound like my UTR ATF 12 year younger sister. The boyz in Syracuse need a hottie, so you may find that review will be easy to get.

edit: oops forgot welcome to eccie. I prefer a rug. Hard wood floor easier to sell. most ok with landing strip.
brutusbluto's Avatar
because I have tiny titties.. Originally Posted by LynnPL
Well the old saying.."more than a mouthful is a waste"...lol
  • LynnT
  • 01-09-2011, 05:06 PM
Thank you. I will be doing some traveling when I get reliable transportation. It will take a couple months or so.
  • LynnT
  • 01-09-2011, 05:16 PM
Well the old saying.."more than a mouthful is a waste"...lol Originally Posted by jymie
Thats what I am sayin'. Mine will still be there at 60 too not at my waist.
Charge what you charge and if people have a problem with it, they aren't worth seeing!! Remember they are paying for your time! Anything that happens during the time frame you agree to is up to two consulting adults.

Reviews help, but aren't everything. There are UTR's that get just as much business as someone that posts ads every few days. But reviews are helpful for a general concept of what the gent may or may not get. Reviews kind of go back to the original idea that "they are paying for your time". One gent you may feel its okay to do BBBJ another gent you may not want to do that at all or use a cover... ya know what I'm saying?

Last but not lease, always screen!! This will also get a feel for what the gent is looking for. Never be afraid of asking the type or level of GFE/PSE they are looking for, just make sure that both your self and the gent are being discrete. After all, there are more than one reason why gents see us. I have clients that are super easy and just wanna talk. Sounds silly, but its all they are looking for.

Best of luck, and always remember be safe, screen and don't sweat the small stuff. Donation should be priced on what your willing to take, not what EVERYONE else wants to pay.
  • LynnT
  • 01-09-2011, 09:19 PM
Thanks for replying and advice Brook.

I totally hear ya.

I just at least want a couple reviews so people know my info/pics are accurate, ect. Also to be verified here. I'll start traveling soon; gentlemen in other cities will want to book. I will probably start traveling more that I book here eventually. Syracuse is small and I have a semi public day job.. Other than that I don't care about reviews.

Ive done work with others outside this forum.

I know in time I will build a reputation. Well, the one I want in this biz. Hehehe
SexyGabrielle's Avatar
Before I start, I do not mean this is any way to be offensive to anyone. If someone does take offense to this I am very sorry.

LynnPL: I have learned this business by trial and error. Luckily for me I have never had a day job, only a hustle. Day job rules do not apply to the adult industry. Forget that shit. Leave what you know behind. If you want an answer to a question about YOUR job do not ask a man. Ask a provider. I would never ask a man what I want to charge for doing my job. He is not doing it! You don't ask....you tell. If people don't like it, oh well.
"Delete and move on!" These people for the most part will use you and manipulate you. Do not start out looking like you don't know what you are doing. If you have to ask maybe you shouldn't be doing it. It is not for everyone. I am not saying this to be mean. I know how men are. When the lion sees a gazelle that is lost from the herd, it will devour it and not think twice. And if you take any offense to this then this business is not for you.
Good Luck
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Welcome Lynn!!

Screen screen Screen!

Then, screen again.........


If I were you, I would keep my "professional" website exactly that, and I'd make sure to use a stage name.

Stay safe!!

Lynn.... You can also get verified if you know of a provider that is on this that can vouch for you. I do believe that is another form of getting verified status.

Gabrielle, well said. Couldn't have said it any better and I don't think anyone should have taken any offense by what you said.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Ladies, you may post a weekly ad in this section once you have been upgraded to Verified Provider.

Submit your info to the staff at newyork@eccie.net

1. website address (your website or advertising site)
2. referral from another provider or hobbyist
3. links to reviews from recognized members (any site)

Any combination of the above requirements which will sufficiently establish you as a legit provider will be accepted.

The verification process could take 24-48 hours.

[edit-email your local staff]

quote from ad area

she has a website, send it to a mod, She added to her sig line how to get it. Not sure if that all thats needed. But send it. They will let you know
thank you OSD, I knew someone would chime in with the ECCIE guideline for becoming a provider... I just woke up so I am too lazy to go and look for it
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I love the just got up look mewooooo!

But then in another thread I stated she look great to me in the grubby close and paint in her hair, on her hands. And the spot of paint on her nose was cute.

no one is perfect all the time. sometimes not perfect is perfect!!!!!!

edit: topic: pricing part of this thread: I will stay away from that. It is up to each provider.
  • LynnT
  • 01-10-2011, 09:18 AM
Thanks for replies. I will charge what I want and they can take it or leave it. Wasnt really looking for "pricing" so to speak more of what you expect for a rate. Im priced on the higher end according to my research here. thats excatly where I wanted to be. I was right in my price point. Id go a bit higher but I need to establish a rep first.

Im not offended by any advice given. I was just looking for general feedback from the market here on what some expect, ect. What most look for in general.

Its still business just like my day job and I am doing research. I work for myself all around. Even though I am new to this game I am not new to hustling and making money. I do it for my "day" job. Hustling is still business IMO. You should still handle yourself in a professional way even in a hustle.

And I am certainly not a push over nor will I take sh@t from anyone! Im pushing 40 been there done that.

Thanks again ladies and gents.
way to go! looks like you have had your first appointment/review today looks like there will be no problem of getting that provider status.