was amazed how many asked for BB

I must say this trip up north was different..maybe the snow made guys crazier than normal...not all men included in that statement...I received so many request for BB and when I said no they acted as though I was crazy...I explained it was for both of our safety and had alot of off the wall request and was like WOW really...but i love upstate new York and will be back in march..but is this common for up here? I am just asking or did they just think because I am visitor I would anything? I even had one offer for 10 guys at once there was alot more to the request that I won't go into but..WOW!!!!....but i still love my new york men
wow BB? Never been asked for that one, well maybe once or twice but crazy!! you had a wild trip it sounds like.
  • Chloe
  • 01-21-2011, 12:18 AM
She probably meant BBBJ but in light of the BBFS yeah it's NOT an uncommon request and it is sickening when I hear from those guys saying So and so and so and so and so and so did it why won't you?


I am so sorry you got bombarded with unsafe requests! Shame on ALL of you that tried!! And please do NOT try to see me!!
Guys Lie! Stick with CFS for all of our safety.
If they don't like it BP & the [staff edit by jymie: prohibited topic] bunnies are always available.
In Fact it might be wise to keep a log of those BBFS requestors as it's a real good chance that they're carrying something around.
What easier way of being outed out by your SO but by giving them the disease that keeps on giving.
monkeyshine's Avatar
Brooke, Agreed! As much as I am like most guys who like BB, I am more paranoid of giving my SO such a gift. No BB for here!!
BBFS = Crazy, dangerous, irresponsible within the community

BBBJ = Thankfully pretty damn common
qixerotic's Avatar
I recall with a recent visit with a provider I mentioned that a problem was one of lack of sensetivity on my part, but I would never dream of BB as an alternative. It scares me to think of it. Girls, run, don't walk from such irresponsible clients. Vixen, and all you other ladies, there are plenty of us who would gladly meet with you without such outrageous demands/expectations. Such lack of respect and attention to common sense appalls me.

Vixen, I don't known if you keep a file on potential partners, but if so, i' d be honored if you'd let me know of your next visit so i might show you what a respectful Rochester client is all about
I recall with a recent visit with a provider I mentioned that a problem was one of lack of sensitivity on my part, Originally Posted by qixerotic
I decided long ago to look at that as an advantage. If it prolongs my ability to hold off that first pop from 15 seconds to 23 seconds, that's a 50% improvement.
heatherelite's Avatar
What easier way of being outed out by your SO but by giving them the disease that keeps on giving. Originally Posted by BrookeButtons
It is always the married ones who ask for BBFS. Their incentive to try to get me to allow it? That they're married so I can trust that they are "clean" because they have a SO. Hello! You are cheating on your SO with me. And you've already mentioned the other providers who you (supposedly) had BBFS with.
Obviously you can't be trusted. Just because you're married doesn't mean you can't catch/give something.
It is always the married ones who ask for BBFS. Originally Posted by heatherelite
I'm very surprised to learn that.
What about the flipside to this scenario. How many times as a hobbyist has a provider offered BB on their menu? Most Hobbyist will probably steer clear of this question honestly for fear of blacklisting or just puffery to seem that it's a shock to them to take the higher ground. But It is known to have happened and has happened to me personally in my years of hobbying. It is rare but it has happened and it is as awkward as when you providers have to decline.

Now 1st and foremost I admit its happened but also admit to never partaking of this even when it was offered. No matter how tempting or how well I know any provider...The "package" is always wrapped on delivery and I make sure I always have extra "wrapping paper" should such occasions arise. Always come prepared and my experience with BB offers is exactly the reason I'm always prepared.

I'm sure that this is rare and also sure that the occasion arises after there is a certain level of familiarity between client and provider...i.e. it's a situation that would come up if clients and providers are regulars more than just infrequent appointments. Granted I'm a firm believer that every relationship between provider and client is a YMMV situation both at an infrequent and a "regular" visit situation. But also think that this type of situation is more apt to occur as a relationship becomes a longer term "regular" scenario over the latter. As a comfort level is established it may occur.

I can say that this has happened between myself some of our popular WNY providers in the past. I will elaborate even though this could cause a shit storm...But in all fairness the truth is what it is...This mostly has to do with the old ASPD days anyhow (2004-2006 is the time frame)...Some here will probably know exactly who I'm referring to and others may have no clue...

A little backstory to this...There was a really great provider (Lets call her E). Now E was a bit exclusive, I know that she did not see just anyone and everyone...In fact that was one of the big knocks against her she could be flaky with her timing, cancellations, and her availability was constantly lamented on the board both in public and BCD. There were often shit storms about reviews of her cause people would whine bitch and moan that they could never contact her or get a response from her even. That all aside like I say YMMV...I never had any issues with her she always was on time and I never had problems contacting her and to top it off she was a great provider...Great attitude, personality and was quite pretty to boot. E, IMHO is definitly in my top 5 providers I've ever seen. I'd seen her a few times and even had a few duo's sessions as well as once having an overnight session. So needless to say I can define our relationship as being ...I was one of her "regulars"...

Now here is where this all relates to this...during a session E tells me "I accidentily forgot my protection in my other bag at home"... But her menu was pretty much "open to BB" if I was interested...I politely declined and said it was ok and produced my stash protection and we had our session. At the time since I was protected I continued with the session not putting much thought into it. After though I got to thinking if she offered this to me, just how many other clients did she over the BB service to? Just how many took her up on her offer? How many did but deny it publicly over the fear of a potential blacklisting? And further... Over time it came out in the BCD forums that she indeed offered BB to other clients as well. Even other providers that did not have site BCD access (or at least should Not have had) were somehow aware that she offered BB services from discussions. Now E being one of my references at the time...It did not stop other providers from seeing me and they were aware of her activities and were aware she was one of my references. Did this known fact damage E's popularity? No she was more popular than ever after the BCD discussions leaked. Were other Providers happy? No. Was there still a shitstorm going on on the board about E being exclusive...Yes. And bottom line was E was still a really great provider and one I'll always hold in high regards no matter what she is doing in life now. Cause her service spoiled me time after time and set a bar I still compare people to today.

Anyway long story short...but in all fairness to the perspective that Hobbyists are jerks and unsafe assholes for asking providers for BB. There is a Flipside out there that I have lived though in terms of providers offering BB. Do I condone it No...Does it make a client/provider a poor person No...But it happens on both sides of that coin regardless of what people want to think, do , or judge.
jokacz's Avatar
Threads on this topic tend to degenerate into opportunities for the expression of phony outrage. It exists whether you like it or not. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. It’s as simple as that.
lol...for me its always the older gent that ask for this..they seem to think the issue is getting pregnant for the excuse they use is "its okay I've had a vasectomy"...
( I get asked during the middle of the visit)

Then I explain to them that thats soooo not the issue and go into exactly what the issue is....then they understand and we finish the visit..and they never really call back to see me..Which is fine with me..Cuz if I got asked every time they came to visit I'd have to cut'em off anyways....Such an annoying question...
monkeyshine's Avatar
It is always the married ones who ask for BBFS. Their incentive to try to get me to allow it? That they're married so I can trust that they are "clean" because they have a SO. Hello! You are cheating on your SO with me. And you've already mentioned the other providers who you (supposedly) had BBFS with.
Obviously you can't be trusted. Just because you're married doesn't mean you can't catch/give something. Originally Posted by heatherelite
What do you mean? Don't all married guys have that special ant-disease armor that single guys don’t?