
stuckinsyracuse's Avatar
This community is the epitome of interdependence. Providers need providers and hobbyists and hobbyists need other hobbyists and providers. We Need each other for information on services, tcb skills, references and safety. The word community gets used here from time to time but that's really what this is and what we should ALL be about. Sure there are individuals that you may like less than others but that's life and we should handle those by minimizing our conversation with those people.

The point here is for providers to have a safe, reliable opportunity to make a living (yes that's what's happening) and hobbyists a safe and reliable way to enjoy themselves (for whatever their reasons may be). The bottom line is we all need each other and we all know of situations we'd probably have handled differently. I just hope we can all appreciate everyone here and help make the upstate community better for all parties involved.

Note: I decided to write this thread in response to the poor email etiquette post, fear of whiteknighting that may exist and every other issue that seems to develop every so often between members (both hobbyists and providers alike) and hope its taken with a grain of salt because I know I can be a better member of the community.

Happy and safe adventures!
roscoe14850's Avatar
You hit the nail right on the head!
I agree with you when I'm feeling in my happy Cowsills mood.

When I feel like the old guy that yells at the kids to stay off the damn lawn, I look at it differently.

The community exists for women to make money and for the people who run the board to make money. The role of the hobbyist is to provide money.

For awhile my avatar was a book from a Twilight Zone episode, "To Serve Man".


As the episode opens, Michael Chambers is seen lying uncomfortably on a cot in a spartan interior. An unseen voice implores him to eat. He refuses. He asks what time it is on Earth, and begins to tell the story of how he came to be here (aboard a spaceship) in flashback:

The Kanamits, a race of nine-foot-tall aliens, land on Earth. One of them addresses the United Nations, vowing that his race's motive in coming to Earth is solely to be helpful to humanity. Initially wary of the intentions of an alien race who came "quite uninvited," even skeptical international leaders begin to be persuaded of the aliens' benevolence when the Kanamits share their advanced technology, quickly putting an end to many of Earth's greatest woes, including hunger; energy becomes very cheap; nuclear weapons are rendered harmless. The aliens even morph deserts into big, blooming fields. Trust in the Kanamits seems to be justified when Patty, one of a staff of US government cryptographers led by Mr. Chambers, cracks the title of a Kanamit book the spokesman left behind at the UN. Its title, she reveals, is To Serve Man.

Soon, humans are volunteering for trips to the Kanamits' home planet, which is portrayed as a paradise. With the Cold War ended, the code-breaking staff has no real work to do, but Patty is still trying to work out the meaning of the text of To Serve Man.

The day arrives for Mr. Chambers's excursion to the Kanamits' planet. Just as he mounts the spaceship's boarding stairs, his staffer Patty appears. He waves to her, smiling, but she runs toward him in great agitation--and is held back by a Kanamit guard. "Mr. Chambers," Patty cries, "don't get on that ship! The rest of the book To Serve Man, it's... it's a cookbook!" Chambers tries to run back down the spaceship's stairs, but a Kanamit wrestles him into the ship, and it immediately takes off for the aliens' home planet.

So we again see Mr. Chambers aboard the Kanamit spaceship, now saying to the audience, "How about you? You still on Earth, or on the ship with me? Really doesn't make very much difference, because sooner or later, we'll all of us be on the menu...all of us." The episode closes as he gives in and breaks his hunger strike; as Chambers tears at his food, Rod Serling provides a darkly humorous coda in voice-over, noting man's devolution from "dust to dessert" and from ruler of a planet to "an ingredient in someone's soup."
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
NB "The community exists for women to make money and for the people who run the board to make money. The role of the hobbyist is to provide money."

"I had not a good husband, may I please borrow yours?"

I work hard.
I cook well.
I had not a good husband, may I please borrow yours?"

I work hard.
I cook well.
I....... Originally Posted by SweetElizabeth
That third one you do great!!

OSD is the one you want to borrow. He does all kinds of stuff around the house like fixing computers and moving furniture.

Let me know though when you need the type that is done in 3 minutes and falls asleep snoring.
First and foremost, this community provides me with much-needed camaraderie and information exchange. I am glad that it may also be beneficial to others (the ladies, the guys, and the owners).
offshoredrilling's Avatar
NB "The community exists for women to make money and for the people who run the board to make money. The role of the hobbyist is to provide money."

"I had not a good husband, may I please borrow yours?"

I work hard.
I cook well.
I....... Originally Posted by SweetElizabeth
That third one you do great!!

OSD is the one you want to borrow. He does all kinds of stuff around the house like fixing computers and moving furniture.

Let me know though when you need the type that is done in 3 minutes and falls asleep snoring. Originally Posted by NormalBob
1) I am a bachelor.
2)No longer taking on new clients(getting to old for that crap). {note}
3)Two is not enough, and three is two too many .

{note}Terms of any agreement to change a tire, fix a starter or computer, or even move a bed. Are no longer accepted by providers in general. Therefor if I start seeing new to me providers. I will agree to there terms, and watch them change there own tire.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-23-2011, 08:54 AM
The community exists for women to make money and for the people who run the board to make money. The role of the hobbyist is to provide money. Originally Posted by NormalBob
I agree NB..

I think you could also extrapolate the following in this order.

The community exists for...

1. The Ladies to advertise, exchange info and stay safe
2. The owners of the board to make money
3. The hobbyist to exchange info, stay safe and find the best deals.

Yes, IMHO the hobbyist comes last in this equation.
I think you could also extrapolate the following in this order.

The community exists for...

1. The Ladies to advertise, exchange info and stay safe
2. The owners of the board to make money
3. The hobbyist to exchange info, stay safe and find the best deals.

Yes, IMHO the hobbyist comes last in this equation. Originally Posted by GP
We're 90% aligned. My twist on this is that first and foremost, the purpose of the board is for the owners of the board to make money. If that weren't the case, the board wouldn't exist for either the providers or hobbyists.

My order:

1. The owners of the board to make money
2. The Ladies to advertise, exchange info and stay safe

3. The hobbyist to exchange info, stay safe and find the best deals.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-23-2011, 09:13 AM
After I posted it, I was very tempted to go back and edit it to exactly what you said. I won't now, but I wanted to. 100% aligned
The test of true genius is when you find someone who you agree with.

You sir, are a genius.
First and foremost, this community provides me with much-needed camaraderie and information exchange. I am glad that it may also be beneficial to others (the ladies, the guys, and the owners). Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Anyone can have a false sense of "camaraderie" with one hand "poised" on the BAN BUTTON. Would you expect any diffrent behavior from a "community" that is well aware the consequences of not "towing the line".Carefull GP, you may be injecting truth to life,choose your words vvveeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyy carefully..
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-23-2011, 09:41 AM
I always do. Well aware of the ban button. Too bad you will probably be experiencing it shortly. :-( Excellent post!
I always do. Well aware of the ban button. Too bad you will probably be experiencing it shortly. :-( Excellent post! Originally Posted by GP
rest my case..
stuckinsyracuse's Avatar
Agreed with everything above. There is obviously a hierarchy of who benefits the most however there are benefits for all of us.