
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-22-2011, 09:01 PM
hob·by 1 (hb)n. pl. hob·bies An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.
Is this really a hobby? I would love to hear some thoughts about what this is to the gentlemen. I will bet it is something unique and special to each individual. A hobby per se? I don't know.

Ladies, feel free to chime in a share what this is to you, from your perspective as well. Is it just a job or is it more? I am pretty sure if any ladies answer, I know what they are going to say. It is the old cliche "I love what I do".
  • LynnT
  • 01-22-2011, 10:08 PM
Im newer so I do really enjoy it 90% of the time. I think its pretty hot to TCB. I have not been worn down by it yet. Im also older and have had life experiences that make this cake in comparison.

This is a temporary venture for me, my hobby is more greed than a total necessity like some of the ladies supporting the family. I dont have that stress and I do have a day job.

My day job is a hobby I make money off if as well so all in all Im a happy camper. I feel jobless. I live the American dream and make money off of something I enjoy. Lately real good pay.

As much as they call this a "hobby" I think its more of pleasurable adventures.
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"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

so I plead the fifth for now. Its a good question. ah what the hell. I ant no . It stopped being a hobby years ago. Its a habbit. I see who I see out of habit and familiarity. That use to work well for me and them. Ether can still walk away. But none have done so yet. As the burden does not out weigh the benefit as of yet to any.
I agree with Lynn...this is an adventure.

Of course, we all deal with some sort of taboo when we do this...there is the chance of getting caught by a wife, SO, boyfriend, the cops and many others. There is always the chance of catching something you don't really want. There is a chance of being taken, robbed, the old bait and switch and too many other travesties to count.

But, when it all comes together and you find yourself spending some quality time with a gorgeous lady, you realize that it was all worth the risk. And then, all too soon, it's time to start the game all over again.
The "hobby" part for me is probably something like a stamp collector.

I have a DATY fetish and love all the different flower arrangements and responses.

I'm in search of a true blond, furry kitty to add. Neatly groomed is fine.

Shaving a true blond bush though is like pulling the wings off a butterfly IMO. It destroys the beauty and is cruel.
I love this fictional life...wink wink...I have fun,meet great people(for the most part), and have plenty of BFE's without the hassle or drama...how can life get any better? Plus I got to play in the snow last two weeks and haven't done that for years...
  • LynnT
  • 01-23-2011, 03:20 PM
Thats right Irish, I don't have a BF so its a nice supplement.
I'm told I provide a great BFE
The difference between a hobby and career for me: if I didnt get paid to do it, would I still do it? I enjoy my career, its very stimulating and I meet great people all the time, some of whom I have now been friends with for a decade or longer. But if I didn't get paid to do it, I probably would change to something like writing novels...on the other hand my hobbies are: learning to fly planes and a newer one is this. Both have elements of dangerous and risk (but manageable and controllable risk thru careful planning and research), involve adventures of both mind and body, allow you to travel to new and exotic locations (both actually and metaphorically), meet interesting people who are different from the regular suburban crowd, etc and I have a feeling that neither will "get old" too fast.
every great gfe loves a great bfe
I'm told I provide a great BFE Originally Posted by soleman2002
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I'm told I provide a great BFE Originally Posted by soleman2002
Your still safe then.
hob·by 1 (hb)n. pl. hob·bies An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.

Is this really a hobby? I would love to hear some thoughts about what this is to the gentlemen. I will bet it is something unique and special to each individual. A hobby per se? I don't know.

Ladies, feel free to chime in a share what this is to you, from your perspective as well. Is it just a job or is it more? I am pretty sure if any ladies answer, I know what they are going to say. It is the old cliche "I love what I do". Originally Posted by GP

Only if that is your def of a hobby as well..for men..yes this may be a hobby until...... they find a lady they really connect with..then it turns to a ..what...something you do alot..or every once in awhile or what once a year...

what actually is a hobby?

Something you do once a week or 3 times..some folks have hobby's they enjoy everyday..

so tell me sir..what is actually the def of a hobby..is there a time period that should laps between the hobby activity or is there not?

cuz I'm gonna tell ya I have a friend who just recently admitted to me this last week, the last time he indulged in his fav hobby was about 3 years ago...yet still...claims it to be his hobby....sooooooooooooooo..... what is the real def of a hobby?
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  • GP
  • 01-24-2011, 03:53 AM
so tell me sir..what is actually the def of a hobby..is there a time period that should laps between the hobby activity or is there not?

cuz I'm gonna tell ya I have a friend who just recently admitted to me this last week, the last time he indulged in his fav hobby was about 3 years ago...yet still...claims it to be his hobby....sooooooooooooooo..... what is the real def of a hobby? Originally Posted by anita germane
Don't ask me...... That is why I am the OP and asked you and you and you and....
It's a silly term but what else can one say? I cheat on my SO and call it a hobby? I "you know what" for a good time? I don't know one man or woman who goes out to pick up someone and says it's a hobby or s/he hobbies. To me, this is strictly a term to cover another.

Escorting is a job and like any other job, it can be fun or not.
It's a silly term but what else can one say? Originally Posted by LillyLilly
Probably because it dates back to the 60s I think:
