
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-31-2011, 01:44 PM
What is proper protocol for the following hypothetical?

You have an appointment with a lady. You show up with the proper donation and any extra for a tip. The two of you have a fantastic time together. It is time to part ways, but you look outside and one mother of a snow storm has descended upon the area. You are stranded. There is no way for you to leave safely. Knowing that there is no way for anyone else to make it to the ladies incall safely either, do you impose and stay, or risk life and limb and venture outside to make it to god only knows where? Should the lady offer? Would any "extra" compensation be expected? Should any extra activities take place knowing ahead of time no extra money was brought? Could an IOU be involved? I know, it all depends on the relationship and what the lady decides, but in most circumstances, what would most ladies do if it were your average, run of the mill decent guy good client who is clean, always shows up on time and pays.

The reason I ask is because I have a lady who could not see me today because she was booked. She calls me back asking where I am. I tell her she must have the wrong number. She realizes who I am and then wishes she had booked me instead as I would have shown up unlike her other client. Too late for that, but she does book me for tomorrow. I explain to her that there is an impending storm coming. I mention how great it would be if we got stranded together for 24+ hours. The first words out of her mouth were that she could afford her new car. *(%#WTF#%## Needless to say, I was a little shocked. How much does she think her time is worth and also, how much stamina does she think I have? LOL.
jokacz's Avatar
Overnights = Overpriced

But that's just me

Think it all boils down to boundaries and comfort zones.
This is absolutely a YMMV situation. Although if it was off the clock, we would all be looking to book an appointment every time a blizzard was forecast. Ahh! Wednesday morning anyone?
ConsultantGuy's Avatar
That is funny and an interesting scenario
Deepthinker's Avatar
I think the appropriate protocol is to allow the lady to stay as long as it takes until it is safe and don't charge her any extra. In fact, I would probably even feed her and give her some fine wine, but hey , I still believe in chivalry and common decency......
Having done overnights, if its worth it with the right lady it can be great... but here is the other side... if you go in to this appt, with no intention of being snowed in, then out of the blue (say you have a longer than 1 hour appt to begin with) and when time comes to leave, you simply cant... then you and her have a decision to make.. it had been offered to me in the past that we have dinner, see if it subsides and go from there.. thankfully for me it didn't subside, and we actually had a great night, without the extra fee.. had some dinner, some bar time, etc... it totally depends on your date though... this girl and i had a previous great relationship, more like freinds so it really wasn't an issue... thanksfully....
Eli always used to tell me that you shouldn't pay for time off the clock.

But to your real point, if you want, I'll come by during your appointment and shovel snow up against the window. You can then just tell her there was a blizzard.
hypothetical? The hypothetical here is called allusion to a relationship Or is it an illusion of a relationship? But this is Hobbying...all relationships are allusions of illusions but in them Time = money regardless of weather. If I have a contractor repairing my roof he still charges me an amount for time spent on a job rain, snow or shine. I'm quite sure the majority of providers feel the same.
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  • GP
  • 01-31-2011, 03:49 PM
Yes, but am I going to allow the carpenter to continue working into the wee hours of the night just because he is stranded at my residence or would I out of the kindness of my heart allow him to stay in a warm home to relax and we ALL get some sleep, with no work being done?

I like Bob's offer LOL
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Very interesting indeed!

I personally believe if a snowstorm is en route and a hobbyist doesn't think he will be able to leave, he should cancel!

She may already have an overnight coming in who already PLANNED on the snowstorm!!

Also, I disagree with the "off the clock means no pay" attitude. I feel it is this type of Free Love and Friendship that keeps many ladies from bettering their lives.
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Also, I disagree with the "off the clock means no pay" attitude. I feel it is this type of Free Love and Friendship that keeps many ladies from bettering their lives. __________________

Please do let me rephrase that. If I allow my time to go unpaid, it prevents me from bettering my life......


jokacz's Avatar
If I allow my time to go unpaid, it prevents me from bettering my life...... Originally Posted by SweetElizabeth
If money is the only thing that you feel will "better" your life.
I agree with Liz. This "snow storm' I have known about for at lease a week now as the news have been reporting it. Any gent that chooses to still come out in the blizzard to see me, should know that when the times up the times up!

Maybe one or two gents, I wouldn't mind being snowed in with but keep in mind they may not want to drive back home, but maybe another gent doesn't mind driving and that would be $$ lost because I am entertaining a person who fears to drive in a storm.

To me as long as your here...your paying for my time....after all that is all your paying for to begin with. Even conversing and watching a movie or sipping wine is considered time. I would take an IOU since most wouldn't have a proper amount of donation. Maybe work a deal if all we really did was wait out the storm but even then that be messy. I'd have to either cancel or not be able to book.

My advice.... if your nervous to drive in the snow or fearful that we will get one hell of a storm....don't go visit a lady! Wait until the weather clears up!!
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
lol No, that is not what I think. However, I have many personal goals, and if I spend all my "free" time with clients, I feel would not accomplish them!!

I do not place me in the "typical" women category. I have given up so much of my life for this profession. I feel my time should be respected along with my person......
Also, I disagree with the "off the clock means no pay" attitude. I feel it is this type of Free Love and Friendship that keeps many ladies from bettering their lives. __________________

Please do let me rephrase that. If I allow my time to go unpaid, it prevents me from bettering my life......


Liz Originally Posted by SweetElizabeth
It seems like there is a reasonable mid-position and based on our visits Liz, I think we probably agree on most if not all of what I'm going to say in response.

I respect the hour limit and when I'm dressed, I'm ready to go. Most times I do go at that point. However, if I'm in the mood to talk and the woman seems willing to relax and talk, I relax and talk. I consider that 'off the clock' time. However, we ain't off the clock if I'm not dressed and ready to leave.

I keep an eye open for body language. If there is a suggestion its time to leave, I leave.

I respect the hour limit enough to on occasion ask jokingly, "Do I have 30 seconds or 90 seconds to finish up?" So far graciousness has prevailed and I've been allowed the 90 seconds....

Realizing fully that time is the woman's scarcest resource, I respect her time.

With that established, if I thought that my visit had no other connection other than the $, I'd probably lose interest in that woman. That dawning realization has served as the cold bucket of water on my ability to feel amorous with a few providers. There were no subsequent repeat visits.

I have no problem with the important notion that the relationship is over once the door shuts behind you. Great fences make good neighbors. But if there isn't a human connection during the session, I can't repeat. I am not naive enough to think that I haven't been fooled by one or more of the women I do repeat with. I guess that ability is part of their professional skill competency.

In conclusion though, a provider's wholly monetary centric view of the hobbyist is too dehumanizing in my overly wussified opinion.

Respect is a two-way street.