Question for providers, about weight.

I am wondering how all you ladies who are providing for us gents feel about working with guys who have a little bit of extra weight. I'm not talking like Biggest Loser contestants or anything like that, just guys who maybe haven't had visible abs in 10 years or so. Is that a major turn off? Does that effect the quality of the time spent with a gent? Do you sometimes refuse to work with someone because of their weight? Speaking as someone who is completely new to this hobby, I am curious to know.
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Weight is not an issue to me. Character and cleanliness are.
A gent's weight has never been an issue for me. I adore the 'teddy bears' out there!
It's one's behavior and lack of good hygiene that can be a problem.

Welcome to Eccie!
A gent's weight has never been an issue for me. Originally Posted by Hanna
You mean all those hours I spent at the gym, working to impress you with my 6 pack abs, were for nothing?
youngatheart's Avatar
More like a 12 pack and it ain't in your abs........
Awwww BioMech...I noticed!

  • Chloe
  • 02-02-2011, 05:46 AM
As I have noticed that since I am not a size two anymore and gained weight in a few preferable places, my sex life has enhanced in many ways! No more complaints of my bones grinding into them, my body is more soft, I actually have an a** now lol . . . my idea of the tight, firm and super thin (as I was) being the ideal went out the window.

As a single girl, not providing I had never been with a guy that was larger and now am thankful for what providing has opened me up to! I have noticed certain ways I am able to cum faster and more intensely with a bigger guy That's not to say someone of another body type couldn't do that to me, but it is to say that I have found many ways to play on different playgrounds and be just, if not more satisfied.
monkeyshine's Avatar
Having experienced the bone grinding thing with a friend, I have to say having a few extra pounds doesn’t go unappreciated.
Hanna Liz and Chloe nails it.
I have noticed certain ways I am able to cum faster and more intensely with a bigger guy That's not to say someone of another body type couldn't do that to me, but it is to say that I have found many ways to play on different playgrounds and be just, if not more satisfied. Originally Posted by Chloe
hmmm.. sounds like staying in shape but soft is the way to go! Maybe I need to stop being so blind and catch on that woman in real life are actually hitting on me. lol
berkleigh's Avatar
I agree with all the ladies....being as from Dallas...everything is bigger here.
That's just more for me to love

Btw...hello Chloe....long time babe....
I actually love the bigger guys..why..they have always made me feel beautiful about me!
Thank you guys!muah nita..
Thank God... My fat ass still stands a chance with some of these lovely ladies!
awe i am sure your not a fat ass I bet your handsome!!!

But agreed that the heavier guys are the best....I feel like they enjoy me more than a younger guy or a guy that is in shape. I dunno why, I mean I don't get complaints but the heavier guys have a way of making me feel just a little more beautiful then what I already am.
I adore the 'teddy bears' out there! Originally Posted by Hanna
I have noticed certain ways I am able to cum faster and more intensely with a bigger guy. Originally Posted by Chloe
I actually love the bigger guys. Originally Posted by anita germane
This skinny guy is feeling left out.