We've submitted to Sundance... oh yeah!

KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
There are days when I almost can't believe what is going on is real... I seem to have those every day right now. Things are moving so very fast, and well, you never think you will be in this position. And you guys and women in Texas have been so very supportive, those in the film, and those working behind the scenes.

Our film "American Courtesans" was submitted to Sundance... I know it is a true shot in the dark, but lets get real.. the odds of us women even making a film is next to nothing. And for it to be high caliber enough for it even to be entered.. well, that's stellar! It's an honor to even have the opportunity, in my eyes, even if it's not accepted. I mean who would have thunk?

And... we are now registered on the International Movie Data Base (IMDB). And that in itself is quite a feat. We are asking all out supporters to go to the site and "like us", put us on your watch list or even just link others to the page somehow...


Also, there you will find the link to our own webpage with a trailer on it and also on that page is our reservation from to RSVP to one of the private screenings. We will be doing one in a theater in NYC and one in LA. Hope to see you there!

You guys rock and I hope us working girls make all you supporters proud!!!!

I will try and make it back to Houston before I retire. There are no promises, but I'll so miss all of you...


Kristen DiAngelo
866-866-3636 (toll free in the US and Canada)

(oh, if I can talk my supporters into going to my page below and do the same thing, that would be amazing. thanks... k)

Wakeup's Avatar
Because shining a bright light on this thing of ours is always a good idea...
Yep...... this is a KMA thread...... gotta sleep now, before I waste anymore space in my brain.......... I need to win the lottery..... I could be the story god here then......
Educating the public about the in and outs of being a sex worker can absolutely be a good thing. As long as people try to keep this hobby hidden then the "taboo" will always remain and it will never be a widely accepted activity.

Bravo on the movie and best luck with everything
Can't wait to see it.. thanks for sharing the info!
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
Because shining a bright light on this thing of ours is always a good idea... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Your right, this has never been a good thing as, the second we try and step out.. we get hurt. But the fact is we get hurt every day. Last night... this was the last thing I read. Take a moment and read all the way through the link.


After reading that are you telling this is such a sweet deal???? We are stigmatized, we are looked down upon and we are killed without society even really caring. So, if there aren't a few who are willing to take the hit, this will never stop. Even the UN and the World Health Organization called for the US to get it's head out of the sand at the International Aids Conference in July.

Now for many this is just too real, and that's okay. That is exactly why we provide illusions for you. It is part of the job. But with out a change to our social structure and getting real about how are lives are, we will always be denied those social liberties that other enjoy, such as protection under the law. Our rapes will go unnoticed and our deaths won't ever matter. I don't expect most to even get involved, but you will when it is your daughter, your mother, your sister, your wife, your girlfriend, or your loved one of any kind. In fact, I can almost promise you that all of a sudden you will be leading the parade. Funny how we all only see life through our own lives experience.

So, if you don't care about this stuff, and this is a fantasy board totally for you, right on. I so applaud your right to have your own opinion and agenda. But for me, this is my life and my profession. US women have to be safe and lucky 100% of the time, while those wishing a woman in this industry harm, only has to be lucky once...

Staggering if you think about it, and it happens every day, more than once a day across the US...
Sarunga's Avatar
He's already leading the parade...
Mojojo's Avatar
Good luck to you!

I haven't seen it yet but if i can find it somewhere ill watch it.
Wakeup's Avatar
I was wondering what it was that could possibly possess you to do this...now I see it...it's staggering naiveté, mixed with a gargantuan ego...

You think that getting everyone to talk about the world of prostitution is going to make it safer for the people involved in it...and that you're the single woman to lead your people into the promised land...

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Yes, illumination is the right thing.
Because the news is full of reports of hookers getting raped and killed.
You think even in countries where it is more accepted (not to say legal) guys just go around confessing they Fuck whores? Discretion is still a necessity.
Wakeup is right. You need to check your ego.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Thanks ( :
I am not a fan of this. I have expressed my negative opinions before about sharing strip club experiences. Especially my beloved Treasures and now that place is completely ruined. Now having wrote this, I think there is a huge story here that if told right will make someone rich and famous. That will never be me because I love having sex and any press exposure to prostitution will surely cut into my hobby...excuse me, my lifestyle.
Oh yeah, are any of the 11 girls hot? I would rather bang them now before they start charging me $2k if they become famous.
Actually you are pretty hot, let us get it on when you come to Houston.