Any Busts for reviews yet?

Cowboys1960's Avatar
Hey friends…

Have any friends in ok actually been charged with writing a review? Is there a good place to find reviews anymore (I check here and OH2 already)?

I doubt it. I don't see how that can be enforced.
Cowboys1960's Avatar
My guess is add on charge only
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
Probably won't be clear busts, I agree with add on charge comment. May see it listed the same as prostitution add on of Use of Electronic Communication.
How would the add on charge work? They bust you for the deed, you wouldn't be able to write a review.
How would the add on charge work? They bust you for the deed, you wouldn't be able to write a review. Originally Posted by TylerDFight1
I'm still unsure how LEO would connect this to real life. IMO, eccie only has an email address. The email I use here is in Belgium and they only give out info with a Belgium court order. I don't know if eccie attaches and IP address to a post, but a vpn would solve that issue easily.