Five Reasons My Fellow Republicans Should Vote for Hillary Clinton

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Interesting article. I'm going to do everything in my power not to plagiarize it. No sir I'm proudly and manifestly not a Republican.

Andrew Weinstein is CEO of Ridgeback Communications. He was director of media relations for the Dole/Kemp presidential campaign and was deputy press secretary to then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich. He is on Twitter: @techflack.

1. We are Americans first and foremost, not Republicans. Voting for Mr. Trump as a duty of party membership misunderstands the proper role of a political party. Parties exist to represent the interests of their members, not to issue diktats on how to vote, particularly over a candidate anathema to the members’ core beliefs. A vote is a decision of individual conscience. A vote for president should be determined by judgment of a candidate’s emotional, intellectual, and professional fitness to hold the nation’s highest office. Questions have been raised about Mrs. Clinton’s character and actions, but she has proven herself qualified on all three of these points.

2. Donald Trump is neither a conservative nor a Republican. Look at the policy records of Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump, ​and ​you’d be hard-pressed to tell who is the Republican. Mr. Trump has supported a range of liberal Democratic positions, and he has not adequately explained his reversal on his long-standing positions on universal health care and Second Amendment rights, nor his shifts on abortion. Now that his primary rivals are gone, Mr. Trump’s conservatism-of-convenience is being replaced by more liberal stances on potential tax increases and a minimum-wage hike.

3. Presidential respect for the Constitution is critical. Throughout this campaign, Mr. Trump has shown ignorance of and disregard for our nation’s Charters of Freedom. He has questioned the media’s First Amendment rights, claimed power to order the military to break the law, asserted a presidential prerogative to expand the death penalty through executive order, and proposed targeting religious minorities and birthright citizens through databases and deportation, respectively. To “preserve, protect and defend” our Constitution, a president must also understand it.

4. There is no viable third option. Politics is the art of the possible, and the possibilities in this contest are Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump. This year’s primaries have been dominated by a “Fight Club” electorate, voters who want to blow up the system rather than work within it, but experience matters in a chief executive. As distasteful as a President Hillary Clinton would be to many, the republic will survive four more years with a liberal in the White House, particularly if that liberal president is blocked by a GOP House and Senate filibuster. Mr. Trump, however, is a threat on a different order of magnitude.

Here is the most important part:

5. The best way to save the GOP is a Clinton victory. A Trump win could create an institutional bond between the GOP and the racist demagoguery and proposals Mr. Trump has espoused while simultaneously abandoning the party’s positive messages of inclusion, growth, prosperity, and individual liberty. ​If Republicans rally behind Mr. Trump, the White House is likely to be lost for a generation. Voting for Mrs. Clinton, however, would signal that Republicans will not sacrifice the soul of their party on the altar of an angry authoritarian. A one-time vote for Mrs. Clinton is not an endorsement of her as a person or politician. It is a statement that she is the lesser of two evils in a contest in which her opponent threatens the Republican Party and the country.

A Clinton win also gives the Republican Party its best opportunity for redemption: running against her in 2020. She is the weakest Democratic candidate in a generation, and breaking the Trump fever in 2016 would give the GOP a chance to elect a credible, experienced, charismatic, and positive conservative just four years from now.


I B Hankering's Avatar
Interesting article. I'm going to do everything in my power not to plagiarize it. No sir I'm proudly and manifestly not a Republican.

1. We are Americans first and foremost, not dim-reatrds. Voting for hildebeest as a duty of party membership misunderstands the proper role of a political party. Parties exist to represent the interests of their members, not to issue diktats on how to vote, particularly over a candidate anathema to the members’ core beliefs. A vote is a decision of individual conscience. A vote for president should be determined by judgment of a candidate’s emotional, intellectual, and professional fitness to hold the nation’s highest office. Questions have been raised about hildebeest’s character and actions, but she has proven herself UNqualified on all three of these points.

2. hildebeest is definitely not a conservative. Look at the policy records of hildebeest and one will see she has supported a range of lib-retarded dim-retard positions, and she has not adequately explained her reversal on her long-standing positions on gay marriage and Second Amendment rights, nor her shifts on the Keystone Pipeline. hildebeest is promising rule by executive fiat.

3. Presidential respect for the Constitution is critical. Throughout Slick Willie the Perjuring Predator's terms, hildebeest and her husband sought to thwart justice by suborning perjury rather than enforcing the rule of law as mandated by the presidential oath of office. As Secretary of State, hildebeest demonstrated her disregard for federal laws and regulations. hildebeets violated multiple security protocols and the FOIA. hildebeest has stated that she means to stifle the First Amendment rights of those she disagrees with, and has promised to use presidential prerogatives to abridge the Second Amendment rights of American citizens.

4. There is a viable alternative to hildebeest. hildebeest's so-called experience is nothing more than a list of failures; especially in regards to the men she let die in Benghazi.

Here is the most important part:

5. The best way to save the GOP is a Trump victory. Only lib-retarded morons imagine that Trump is a racist.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
FTFY, dickhead.
Interesting article. I'm going to do everything in my power not to plagiarize it. No sir I'm proudly and manifestly not a Republican.

1. We are Americans first and foremost, not Republicans. Voting for Mr. Trump as a duty of party membership misunderstands the proper role of a political party. Parties exist to represent the interests of their members, not to issue diktats on how to vote, particularly over a candidate anathema to the members’ core beliefs. A vote is a decision of individual conscience. A vote for president should be determined by judgment of a candidate’s emotional, intellectual, and professional fitness to hold the nation’s highest office. Questions have been raised about Mrs. Clinton’s character and actions, but she has proven herself qualified on all three of these points.

2. Donald Trump is neither a conservative nor a Republican. Look at the policy records of Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump, ​and ​you’d be hard-pressed to tell who is the Republican. Mr. Trump has supported a range of liberal Democratic positions, and he has not adequately explained his reversal on his long-standing positions on universal health care and Second Amendment rights, nor his shifts on abortion. Now that his primary rivals are gone, Mr. Trump’s conservatism-of-convenience is being replaced by more liberal stances on potential tax increases and a minimum-wage hike.

3. Presidential respect for the Constitution is critical. Throughout this campaign, Mr. Trump has shown ignorance of and disregard for our nation’s Charters of Freedom. He has questioned the media’s First Amendment rights, claimed power to order the military to break the law, asserted a presidential prerogative to expand the death penalty through executive order, and proposed targeting religious minorities and birthright citizens through databases and deportation, respectively. To “preserve, protect and defend” our Constitution, a president must also understand it.

4. There is no viable third option. Politics is the art of the possible, and the possibilities in this contest are Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump. This year’s primaries have been dominated by a “Fight Club” electorate, voters who want to blow up the system rather than work within it, but experience matters in a chief executive. As distasteful as a President Hillary Clinton would be to many, the republic will survive four more years with a liberal in the White House, particularly if that liberal president is blocked by a GOP House and Senate filibuster. Mr. Trump, however, is a threat on a different order of magnitude.

Here is the most important part:

5. The best way to save the GOP is a Clinton victory. A Trump win could create an institutional bond between the GOP and the racist demagoguery and proposals Mr. Trump has espoused while simultaneously abandoning the party’s positive messages of inclusion, growth, prosperity, and individual liberty. ​If Republicans rally behind Mr. Trump, the White House is likely to be lost for a generation. Voting for Mrs. Clinton, however, would signal that Republicans will not sacrifice the soul of their party on the altar of an angry authoritarian. A one-time vote for Mrs. Clinton is not an endorsement of her as a person or politician. It is a statement that she is the lesser of two evils in a contest in which her opponent threatens the Republican Party and the country.

A Clinton win also gives the Republican Party its best opportunity for redemption: running against her in 2020. She is the weakest Democratic candidate in a generation, and breaking the Trump fever in 2016 would give the GOP a chance to elect a credible, experienced, charismatic, and positive conservative just four years from now.


Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Hey, Sis, I posted another thread similar to this one, about why conservative republicans should vote for Hillary. Yours is much better! You go girl!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Hey, Sis, I posted another thread similar to this one, about why conservative republicans should vote for Hillary. Yours is much better! You go girl!
Originally Posted by SassySue
ok that Sis burn was pretty clever
ok that Sis burn was pretty clever Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Pristine Catlover, WTF?

Sis, just ignore those rigid GOP women haters on here. They like to cyber bully a lot, especially if you don't agree with them. There are occasionally some posters who respond with very nice posts. Don't be intimidated by their language. It gets really nasty and can hurt your feelings if you let it. Your post was really good and a lot of people just look without responding. You may influence someone, you never know. Some people don't even know who they are voting for. My daughter was going to vote for Trump because she was raised in Texas. I told her some things about his agenda, his website, and the difference between Clinton and Trump. She was amazed to find out how much she didn't know! Hillary has most of the millennial vote it looks like from this recent article.

Poll: Millennials Go for Clinton; Trump Can’t Buy an Older Minority Vote

I think the polls will inch up in her favor after the DNC. Kaine and Clinton have excellent chemistry.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Beyond the title I have no interest in what you say Assup...I mean wait, Nurse Chapel. You are not a republican. You are a liar plus you're a bigot, sexist, and stupid.
None of this means shit.

This election is about one thing. Supreme Court Nominees.

Let's not have a dispicable, lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling, (and inept and stupid according to the FBI), cunt making those picks.

Hillary. The most reprehensible person ever to be nominated by a major Party for President.
Yeah, and look how Trump and Putin are buddies. Putin (someone in Russia) hacked DNC emails to smear Hillary right before the convention. How low can you get.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yeah, and look how Trump and Putin are buddies. Putin (someone in Russia) hacked DNC emails to smear Hillary right before the convention. How low can you get. Originally Posted by SassySue

Get it right, Silly Suzy Simpleton.

Heh Originally Posted by gnadfly
The Real Winner of the RNC: Vladimir Putin

Donald Trump’s convention has been marked by gross incompetence in all areas save one: He’s been highly effective in moving the Republican Party toward Vladimir Putin. The deftness of this reversal of policy is so anomalous that we need to consider its causes, as well as its consequences.

For his part, Putin has recognized the opportunity that the Trump campaign presents. He has thrown Russian propaganda behind it; his intelligence services have purloined documents from Democratic Party servers, and they have begun publishing them on the internet.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yeah, and look how Trump and Putin are buddies. Putin (someone in Russia) hacked DNC emails to smear Hillary right before the convention. How low can you get. Originally Posted by SassySue
they are not buddies, but potential allies of convenience. there is a difference.
they are not buddies, but potential allies of convenience. there is a difference. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Donald Trump’s nomination is the first time American politics has left me truly afraid

His alliance with Putin just makes more Americans deathly afraid of him. Now they really feel they can't trust him.

The simple fact of it is that Donald Trump should not be president of the United States. That is not because he is too conservative, as some Democrats would have it, or because he is not conservative enough, as many Republicans would have it. It’s because the presidency is a powerful job where mistakes can kill millions, and whoever holds it needs to take that power seriously and wield it responsibly. Trump has had ample opportunity to demonstrate his sense of seriousness and responsibility. He has failed.

See this article:
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Real Winner of the RNC: Vladimir Putin

Donald Trump’s convention has been marked by gross incompetence in all areas save one: He’s been highly effective in moving the Republican Party toward Vladimir Putin. The deftness of this reversal of policy is so anomalous that we need to consider its causes, as well as its consequences.

For his part, Putin has recognized the opportunity that the Trump campaign presents. He has thrown Russian propaganda behind it; his intelligence services have purloined documents from Democratic Party servers, and they have begun publishing them on the internet.
Originally Posted by SassySue
Get it right, Silly Suzy Simpleton.