One liner response- You know its going to be a bad session when...

Providers and tricks.

In the spirit of a one line comedic response, answer...."You know its going to be a bad session when..."
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
"You start your session off angrily fuming about SC."
You give yourself too much credit op. I seriously doubt anyone starting a session would give you a thought unless the session was with you. I think we have a few sword fighters here. Maybe they can help you with that.
......the girl walks in the room and you can smell her raunchy kitty even before she sits down. Then you offer her a shower and she says "Oh I just had one".

True story.
RyanFromTER's Avatar
..... she's on her phone during introductions.
Lhoppy's Avatar
He greets you with “How u been foooking doing”?
You give yourself too much credit op. I seriously doubt anyone starting a session would give you a thought unless the session was with you. I think we have a few sword fighters here. Maybe they can help you with that. Originally Posted by tbone2u

....??? I do not think you got the gist of the thread.
He greets you with “How u been foooking doing”? Originally Posted by Lhoppy
When he says..

Im in a hurry, don't have much time... do you do qv

Translation=I saw your HH rate, Im broke & haggle...
He greets you with “How u been foooking doing”? Originally Posted by Lhoppy
Bankshot's Avatar
5 minutes before you get to her incall she sends you a text asking for you to stop to get condoms.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-17-2019, 08:18 PM
upon first greeting, when she doesn't look you in the eye, doesn't smile at you, and doesn't offer you a hug. depending on how negative the energy, i sometimes just offer her 20 for gas and call it off. trying to "make it work" just doesn't work; i learned that the hard way.
USAsoldier's Avatar
....the provider looks 10 years older and 20 lbs heavier than what her pics show. *Ahem* ...
Slitlikr's Avatar
5 minutes before you get to her incall she sends you a text asking for you to stop to get condoms. Originally Posted by Bankshot

and cigs and a latte.......
Bankshot's Avatar
We've seen the same lady. Lol