Am I Wrong, Or Is This Eccie 2.0 "Let's all sing kumbaya" Thing Actually Kinda Working?

  • pxmcc
  • 03-20-2019, 11:48 PM
Anyone notice it? Real or Memorex? Accepting predictions now..

some good trolling of this thread would definitely falsify my conclusion. let's see what happens..
I honestly don't really foooking think so, the majority of the negative energy by the people who is solely directed at myself and Sisto, which is totally absurd. The one mod who doesn't seem to like me, just heavy handedly closed my thread and if anyone noticed most of the trolling on my thread is rarely done by me. I open a subject out of my own thoughts then all these negative, miserable, mofoookers pile on and Shine, although I read the bullshit pretty much stays silent because I truthfully don't particularly give a foook about attention or what folks think about me in all honesty. I'm an asset to this community. I increase readership and board activity which helps the bottom line. People love a shits how to a certain extent which is why the Kardashians are so popular. Go to the other site. The shit is so foooking boring and I'm sure the pus buying is affected because no one hangs around and chats. Even tight pussy buyer that I am, the longer I comment here the more I look in the ads and buy pussy, but I first have to be attracted here in the first place. I believe exciting coed threads are the foooking draw. Period. If people really liked bland shit why are guys leaving their bland so's. Just my two cents, but par plan I've not posted a single thread since I said I wasn't and I'm simply going to watch the decline of coed participation. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez....
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
I honestly don't really foooking think so, the majority of the negative energy by the people who is solely directed at myself and Sisto, which is totally absurd. The one mod who doesn't seem to like me, just heavy handedly closed my thread and if anyone noticed most of the trolling on my thread is rarely done by me. I open a subject out of my own thoughts then all these negative, miserable, mofoookers pile on and Shine, although I read the bullshit pretty much stays silent because I truthfully don't particularly give a foook about attention or what folks think about me in all honesty. I'm an asset to this community. I increase readership and board activity which helps the bottom line. People love a shits how to a certain extent which is why the Kardashians are so popular. Go to the other site. The shit is so foooking boring and I'm sure the pus buying is affected because no one hangs around and chats. Even tight pussy buyer that I am, the longer I comment here the more I look in the ads and buy pussy, but I first have to be attracted here in the first place. I believe exciting coed threads are the foooking draw. Period. If people really liked bland shit why are guys leaving their bland so's. Just my two cents, but par plan I've not posted a single thread since I said I wasn't and I'm simply going to watch the decline of coed participation. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez.... Originally Posted by shinepro
Maybe... just maybe one day poor pro shiner will learn to post without the name calling? Until then he’ll just keep eating them points. Mmmmm points.

Working? I’m not sure, there will always be the slow ones who don’t get it as quoted above.
Maybe... just maybe one day poor pro shiner will learn to post without the name calling? Until then he’ll just keep eating them points. Mmmmm points.

Working? I’m not sure, there will always be the slow ones who don’t get it as quoted above. Originally Posted by Spoogebob Cumpants
Dude stop following me around. You are foooking getting annoying. I don't have any points sir. I have mod connects . Soak on that. Last time I respond to you.
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Soak on that? Is that what you do after a bukkake?
Not my thing... you have fun with that.

Meanwhile back in reality, yeah I think the kumbaya thing could work in theory. Time will tell.
  • mj850
  • 03-21-2019, 07:10 AM
wth? Shine and sc brag about having mod connects? What is really going on in Houston forums? is possible for it to work. This wasn't a problem with members here until the two arrivals. You have been here a long time. Think back before the arrivals. Sure there was minor bullshit in C0-ed but nothing like it is now.
If you take out all the political bullshit and put in back in the political forum where it belongs....that solves 1/2 of the problem.
There is a reason we have a political forum and it's always a very heated area.

If you take out the solve the other part of the problem.

The racebaiting and the ebonics bullshit wasn't here before. If I was black I would be furious with someone making believe with the ebonics.
The black gentlemen on this board are extremely smart and I would think they would take offence at shine's bullshit. The only discussions of race were talk of NBA policies and that never seemed to cause a problem like what we have had this last 2 years. Race should never be an issue on this board because there 99.9% of members here don't and shouldn't care what color we are. We all should work together because we are on this board for one simple
Sex doesn't have a color and shouldn't have.

The third thing I will add is that the threats have to stop. I've never threatened anyone on this board...never ever. SCs threat to me and others was uncalled for. So was his threats to CK. You know this.

Threats create serious problems and for some unknown reason the people making the threats are still here. This creates more problems and so the problems fester and get out of control. We are at this point now on this board. Had management controlled the political bullshit, the racebaiting and threat problems....we wouldn't be having this discussion today.

Think back a couple years OP....It wasn't like this before.
Then ask yourself what has changed......two and or one people are responsible and to add more to the fire now we have the same 2 or one people boasting they have mods in their pockets.

I'm thinking this is the only think they spout that is the truth....otherwise this problem wouldn't have grown to the extent it has.
Again....You have been here a long time OP. Please take a minute to think about what I have said.
  • mj850
  • 03-21-2019, 07:53 AM
Your post was truthful and to the point. I hate racism of any kind and for a fact there are 2 racebaiters that get by with more on this forum than any other. Example is humpty dumpty in Austin who is very clever in creating new handles but gets banned as soon as he makes racist comments. My point is racism should not be allowed in any form
I honestly don't really foooking think so, the majority of the negative energy by the people who is solely directed at myself and Sisto, which is totally absurd. The one mod who doesn't seem to like me, just heavy handedly closed my thread and if anyone noticed most of the trolling on my thread is rarely done by me. I open a subject out of my own thoughts then all these negative, miserable, mofoookers pile on and Shine, although I read the bullshit pretty much stays silent because I truthfully don't particularly give a foook about attention or what folks think about me in all honesty. I'm an asset to this community. I increase readership and board activity which helps the bottom line. People love a shits how to a certain extent which is why the Kardashians are so popular. Go to the other site. The shit is so foooking boring and I'm sure the pus buying is affected because no one hangs around and chats. Even tight pussy buyer that I am, the longer I comment here the more I look in the ads and buy pussy, but I first have to be attracted here in the first place. I believe exciting coed threads are the foooking draw. Period. If people really liked bland shit why are guys leaving their bland so's. Just my two cents, but par plan I've not posted a single thread since I said I wasn't and I'm simply going to watch the decline of coed participation. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez.... Originally Posted by shinepro
Didn't I see a post that you were leaving the board or were going to stop posting? WTF?
boardman's Avatar
Two years ago the worst thing in Houston Co-ed was probably Whale Wars. It certainly didn't run off any providers, well...maybe a whale or two , and actually kept the forum pretty entertaining. As Tbone said, racial issues were limited to some complaining about NBA policies. Politics got shut down quickly. Outing and threats were taken seriously. There was some oversight.

There are only 1 or 2 mods in this forum and one isn't very active. The others listed never post here, aren't from here and apparently don't give a shit. Maybe they are issuing points but I doubt it. An admin admitted to issuing over 100 points one evening last week. That's not an admin's job. What does that tell you? Well, it could tell you a variety of things but the point is Mods aren't present and to add to it that admin was trying to control things but it appeared to be for an agenda that didn't benefit the members. That admin tapped out when some started to connect the dots.

Basically there is no one here modtarding Houston unless someone hits the RTM which forces them to respond. There is more control of the political forum which is funny AF if you ask me. Providers wouldn't come back if we paid them to. Not now. Not for a while even if it got cleaned up.
I say we just all agree to not RTM anything and let anarchy rule. Post your racial slurs, your threats, your outings. Let your true colors show.

Have at it gang.
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Interesting... anything goes no tapping, this could just put an end to kumbaya.
I mean yeah if they’re gonna be gone, be gone.
It’s really the way the internet should work anyway.
Can’t take it... turn it off.

I believe in Anarchy.
boardman's Avatar
Didn't I see a post that you were leaving the board or were going to stop posting? WTF? Originally Posted by peabody

The manservant has retired more times than Jemma
  • mj850
  • 03-21-2019, 08:40 AM
sp invites criticism but runs when things don't go his way. He will start another thread no matter what he says. OH, toodlez. The trio of losers will never leave. After all they have pocket mods.
Who really gives a shit what they post? Why does it bother the mormal person? Nobody is fircing any of us to read anything. Go look at the North/East section and you will see nothing there. I’d rather see something than nothing. Some say its a hooker board and the nonsense is not needed. Well go look at the hookers profiles and stay off of coed if it really bothers you. Some of you just have to comment. If you dont like it, move on. Most of the comments on a lot of their threads is from some grown man or woman crying about bs. Sometimes they post some funny shit and sometimes its just jibber jabber. But if I dont like it I move on to something else. Maybe some of you should take the same approach.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-21-2019, 09:28 AM
sp invites criticism but runs when things don't go his way. He will start another thread no matter what he says. OH, toodlez. The trio of losers will never leave. After all they have pocket mods. Originally Posted by mj850
can you name the trio sir, just so we're clear?

and can you name the pocket mods, again just so we're clear?