Word of advice

midnite312004's Avatar
Its spring here in Houston and you know we like to eat spicy crawfish at this time. Ladies and gents give yourself a hour or two, or brush really good before you go down on somebody. Trust me from first hand experience a few years ago in NOLA you don't want the results of this.
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar

Worse than Altoids Cinnamon?
midnite312004's Avatar

Worse than Altoids Cinnamon? Originally Posted by Spoogebob Cumpants
Crawfish boil is the same stuff, OC spray, the police spray in your eyes. Oleoresin Capsicum. Maybe
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
LoL, not to mention that it stays underneath your fingernails even after multiple washes so avoid touching or inserting digits into "sensitive" areas. (Learned that first hand)
The Jalapenos are bad enough. For sure stay away from the habaneros
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^ No doubt!!!....when slicing up either of those peppers, be sure to wash your hands good BEFORE you take a leak....ijs
boardman's Avatar

Worse than Altoids Cinnamon? Originally Posted by Spoogebob Cumpants
One of the most memorable blowjobs I ever received involved Altoids. Peppermint I thinck, not cinnamon. True story.
aznlvr11's Avatar
thai peppers can be good for this.....
If you use alcohol based mouthwash and alcohol based hand sanitizer it works wonders...
Slitlikr's Avatar
Don't even bring poison ivy into this conversation.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-22-2019, 10:26 PM
i can't find any providers who are down to share the Carolina Reaper Experience (cre), or the upcharge had way too many zeroes for my hobby budget..

i'm probably the only person i know who sucessfully treated a case of pinkeye by direct application of a reaper pepper to the affected eye. definitely not for everyone, but works like a charm, and yup i'd do it again in a heartbeat..

#painispleasure-didn't you get the memo tho..

this is slightly off topic, but anyway, here goes. this happened like 4 days ago. i go into 5 Guys with my 5 lb. bag of Carolina reapers so i can hit my 5 (peppers not pounds lol) with brunch. (there's a reason you don't eat several reapers at dinner lol.) one of the workers asked me if i had a bag of cherries. i said no, these are currently the hottest peppers in the world and i'm fixin to eat around 5. same worker asked me if he could have one. i said sure, but just try a tiny piece at a time so you don't die, only half joking. 2 minutes later, he asked me for another one. i was like, holy shit, you ate that whole pepper? he said no, and pointed to a heavy set co-worker, and said, "she did." i was thinking to myself, damn i hope this chick knows what she's doing. well, i guess she didn't, cause she left work in an ambulance. true story.