Nikki Lynn's Message to ALL of You...

I wanted to address my recent erratic and irresponsible behaviors that have come about over the past few weeks. Let me first start with saying that I have always enjoyed what I do, and that watching you be utterly satisfied is one of the best feelings ever.
The past few weeks have been a very stressful and trying time for me and my family. I've also made changes in the person I employ, my "Scheduler" if you can even say all that...
I've been under intense pressure the past couple of weeks while dealing with a family members sickness. Being one of the only people in my family able to assist with the physical changes one goes through in a battle with cancer, I stepped up to help with my aunt during this last stage of her illness. I knew that there would be many things asked of me but never once did I fully grasp the magnitude to which I would be needed. Nor did I expect it to take such a toll on my physical and emotional well being. While I was trying to figure out a happy medium between continuing being a badass provider and taking care of my aunt; I was also dealing with issues with the person I employed as my secretary and more so my personal assistant. I am aware of several bad NCNS reports and bad conduct incidents; that I was cold and uncaring and unwilling to apologize for other peoples wasted time. I wanted to stress how sorry I am that anyone was made to feel that there time was of no value to me. I realized that my assistant was unable to correctly manage all my commitments when I decided to look through the phone she "managed" and saw EVERY SINGLE MISSED APPOINTMENT, and ALL THE SIDE WORK SHE PUT SOME OF Y'ALL THROUGH and all for nothing! There is nothing I can even say to remotely express my feelings toward this situation. I apologize DEEPLY and SINCERELY and I am confident that, if given the chance, will be very capable of redemption. I understand that everybody's time is valuable. However, it also came to light during this time that my assistant was taking clients phone numbers from my phone and putting them into hers. I also found out that she was responding to phone calls or text messages under the clients assumption they were speaking with me. The motivation behind what she did is unknown to me, however it has affected my reputation. And I am now left to clean up the mess as best I can. I understand that my explanation and apology for peoples time wasted will not replace that time or make them feel like they got what they set out to get. My hope for my explanation and apology is that people will come to understand I've been dealing with a very difficult part of my life and someone I had employed to help me did the very opposite of that. As of this weekend, my "assistant" has been sent packing and a big F&#K OFF. My new assistant is someone who I've been friends with for a very long time who does have my best interests at heart. Even though I'm still dealing with a lot of the after effects from the ordeal my old assistant created for me, I am now able to focus all of my attention on my clientele once again. I also know that this situation is not going to happen again because like I previously stated the person I've employed is someone I've known for a long time & would not create unnecessary problems for me. I hope that everyone who feels let down by me is able to read this apology, I also hope that everybody understands how sorry I truly am. New start, new everything, same badass female. Let me show you the REAL Nikki Lynn,,,,

I Love You All,,,
ck1942's Avatar
Sorry for the family issues and looks like you are one of us who has learned the sometimes painful lessons that come with hobbying.

Thanks for your courage to be upfront about it.

Hang in there! You have some very positive reviews and despite the issues, no doubt in my mind you will earn more "glows."
chairspud's Avatar
Bravo girl I'll think about you now!
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 06-21-2015, 02:43 PM
ck1942 said it best. Hang in there and thank you!
Parsifal's Avatar
Well stated, and very thoughtful of you to post. Ever the skeptic, however (and being the victim of a recent string of NCNS's albeit not by you) I will wait to see if the "proof is in the pudding".

Basically, you sound sincere and I truly hope you are but I will wait to see how things shake out.

Good luck and I hope to see you sooner than later ;-)
Guest121917-1's Avatar
Honey what some do t realize is that we too are human with human problems.

I too have recently dealt with the loss of a sibling as well as a parent in a span of 4 months. We tend to want to just hide. If you need someone to talk to...I'm all ears

Im very sorry you were burned. Again I know the feeling all too well. It sucks when you give someone your trust and they take advantage of it. You will bounce back; I wish you nothing but the best of luck.

I hope I get the pleasure of meeting you soon.
Would love to read what was posted but lack of any sentence structure, indents or paragraphs is more than my brain can handle.
Not being a smart ass but hard as I may try I really am unable to get through this.

Others can so there is clearly something wrong with me.
Would love to read what was posted but lack of any sentence structure, indents or paragraphs is more than my brain can handle.
Not being a smart ass but hard as I may try I really am unable to get through this. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
For once, I agree with "Windinhiswhatever," but I did take the time to read your posting and I really felt the sincerity and concern you were expressing. I do wish you the best in taking care of the situation you outlined in your posting and moving forward.

Just for grins, in the future, hit the <Enter> key at the end of every third sentence, and then go back once or twice to see if what have written fully makes sense and was exactly what you really intended to say.

When I do this, I often find a lot of little things that need to be fixed to help the reader better understand what I am trying to say and more importantly move the reader to accept my thesis.

Always keep the reader in mind as your target audience. Write to help them engage with your thoughts which you are presenting in your future posting.

Nice posting and good luck.

Yes, I used teach writing at a college back east before I told them all to go to Hell and I left for Texas. Davy Crockett was a big influence in my life, FWIW.

Chica Chaser's Avatar