So I have heard of providers noting in their ads "no AA" and totally understand/respect that but it's funny: I don't ever see "no CA" or "no LA"(Caucasian/Latino)

Of course we all know "no AA" means "no Angry Americans"

Looking forward to some thoughts on this topic. All fun/thought provoking of course.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Are there not enough horses being beaten in CoEd right now? That's it... I'm calling PETA!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Easy Grace ... the fucktard is new.

Newbie needs to look at the stickies at the top of several forums for his racial commentary.
Did someone say....horses?
No CA means no Canadians. Entirely different thing.
Invisible1's Avatar
What gives? You join today. Post a review on an asian provider. Then immediately fuck around with the the AA topic that is so flippin dead there is no horse to beat. Sheezzzzzz.

Merry Happy Humping Holidays to you too!

You posted a cocky, but passable review, so you can't be too green here. Perhaps you have been lurking for a while or are re-registering with a new name or something after being banned as a troll......whatever.....I don't mean to be mean but:

How about starting over and starting a new thread about masterbation in the shower or blow job techiques that help you loose weight or PC muscle stretches or something fucking else? Please with sugar on top?

Give us a break....Will someone please post something new and creative? And non-racial.

Thank you.
The guy is new give him a break. He doesn't know the topic has been visited over and over again. This site is for hobbyist to get informed don't beat him up he knows not what he does
Invisible1's Avatar
Noted...One break given, but I have a feeling Mr. Rnoggin fucktard is not as new as he appears.
Easy folks. The point of this post was to point out the obvious: I have never seen a provider note: 'no CA' or other race acronyms beyond AA. It was an observation in response to something I read on the welcome wagon page.

As for Mr Invisible: you'll need to discuss with the provider in question if my review was cocky or just a clear notation of the exercises performed during our session. :-) I'm glad you found it passable... I mean I did read the 'how to post a good review' thread before doing so.

As not everyone is privy to ROS (where i presume you found some 'cocky' comments) perhaps you shouldn't allude to that which not everyone can see (for someone with a name like invisible I would think you would know that)

Ok I've defended myself accordingly and don't expect any further WK on race by those of you on the board that may be startled. As a newbie if there is a quota on the rehashing of particular topics to discuss please kindly point me to it. Considering the other topics I've seen in co-Ed I thought this one was pretty tame.

Happy humping!
lda523287's Avatar
Rnoggin, I think you defended yourself very well.
pyramider's Avatar
Newbies need to read the stickies. The stickies are frequent threads that have been merged. Race, hobby economics, etc. Do your research prior to asking a common question.
Newbies need to read the stickies. The stickies are frequent threads that have been merged. Race, hobby economics, etc. Do your research prior to asking a common question. Originally Posted by pyramider
Understood and noted thanks