Trip to hippie hollow on Presidents' Day

3daygetaway's Avatar
Despite the forecast of scattered thundershowers, I'm planning a trip to the hollow tomorrow around noontime for a few hours. Y'all should join me! Embrace your birthday suit.
Whispers's Avatar
Despite the forecast of scattered thundershowers, I'm planning a trip to the hollow tomorrow around noontime for a few hours. Y'all should join me! Embrace your birthday suit. Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
Your prior post history seemed to indicate you were into chicks..... You coming out now?
Britttany_love's Avatar
Hahahahahha. I'm sorry or think hookers are gonna get naked and go to hippie hollow for free!! Sorry but no!!
3daygetaway's Avatar
Your prior post history seemed to indicate you were into chicks..... You coming out now? Originally Posted by Whispers
No; I came out years ago!

Here's the idea at Hippie Hollow: come be accepted and condoned--clothing optional. There is no litmus test of sexuality or orientation; there is no scale you mustn't tip nor standard of beauty you must meet; the old and the young (18+) are set free from time there. Even ball-busters like Whispers and Brittany Love are welcome there (and in my company).

@ Brittany
Do I think providers will come there for free? If they want to they will. That's the thing about an invitation to a large group: I won't know nor be concerned with who is interested or not; I'm putting it in the ether for all to consider for themselves. My guess is that despite being comfortable with being naked and on display, many providers have probably never been to a nude "beach" and will embrace the chance to do something new and empowering. No one is paying me for my time: it's a holiday, and this is how I am going to spend it. Likewise, I trust you will spend it as you see fit; I definitely won't waste time throwing shade.
3daygetaway's Avatar
Waiting for a sunnier day.
Likewise, I trust you will spend it as you see fit; I definitely won't waste time throwing shade. Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
That is pretty funny, if you read it just right.......hahahaha
That is pretty funny, if you read it just right.......hahahaha Originally Posted by veedub63
Britttany_love's Avatar
Not throwing shade just being honest. You have posted multiple come hang out with me threads so you would think by the lack of response from the ladies that one they're not interested in crossing personal and business lines or two they're not interested in hanging with a hobbyist off the board for free.
Little Monster's Avatar
I got busted jacking off to some naked old ladies @ hippie hollow one time
3daygetaway's Avatar
@ BL

You're right. I'll probably forget this lesson, but I'll try to remember not everyone shares my desire to be social. I guess I wish others would put together random socials and invite me.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Mebbe yew oughta try them "Meet-up" groups onna innernet.
3daygetaway's Avatar
Good call, David, but they have to be recurring events. My ideas seem randomly inspired.
Mebbe yew oughta try them "Meet-up" groups onna innernet. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
Check with CK1942 about some of the informal meet and greets he organizes at local bars/restaurants. Details of next ATX gathering on March 1st may be found in his signature block.

There are qualifications to attend which include being active in Austin and recommendations by several ladies that you are an active hobbyists--no voyeurs or fanboys allowed. Must be a player with current reviews and recommendations. CK will validate you references. Just saying...
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Good call, David, but they have to be recurring events. My ideas seem randomly inspired. Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
Yew don't have ta throw 'em, yew kin jus' join a group and' pick an' choose which meets ya wants ta hit when tha mood strikes.
Dev Null's Avatar
I got busted jacking off to some naked old ladies @ hippie hollow one time Originally Posted by Little Monster
a bush-whacker, eh?