Legends Revisiting

wade38's Avatar
There were many great times. Now with BP sort of gone(they just moved to a different section).

Other ads and post are popping up in eros and here.

Sometimes it might not be so great to go back to the old ATF.

But then again, love to hear your thoughts.

Like several hobbiers we found some replacements doubleganger in:

and well just plan fun person

So moving on is not a bad thing at times.

Who was your best known PS?
Who was your best PS wana-be?
Who was your best PSE?
Best RCG,CG?

Maybe time to setup a hobby people awards list.
Put in your nominees and give accolades to them past and present and wishful returns.

There can be ones like:
fake photo awards
best fantasy photo
not even close photo
3yr photos
over 5yr photos
4foot supermodel
6foot amazons
worse bathroom selfie

And the award goes to?