A Provider's Perogative

LilRed's Avatar
I just need to rant a minute and make a statement.

Last time I checked LilRed was MY business, MY body, MY rules. I have worked hard for the good name I have made for myself. I do not take it for granted. I strive to keep my reputation intact. It is easy to be 'fresh meat' in every new town. Waking up to the same hobbyists every day here at home and keeping their attention takes dedication and hard work to provide good service EVERY time. To the average Joe, I guess it would appear we just lay on our backs. But it is much more than that. There is placing the ad, getting the room, buying the right clothes, hair, make-up, candles, screening, emails, text, phone calls, pictures, the right attitude, avoiding LE, geeeze, the list goes on. And that doesn't even include the responsibilities in my RL to my family, friends and my SIR.

I do not think I am ALL THAT! I truly appreciate every client who has chosen to see me. However, I feel I have the right to refuse an appointment to anyone I choose for whatever reason I want. I am a fair provider. I do not discriminate on race, age, disabilities, social status or size. I keep my pictures accurate and up to date. I do not mislead or trick clients in any way. I feel my rules are very simple and are there for my own safety and protection. If I turn down an appointment, it is for good reason. But I feel it IS my right.

I have a client who I refused to see for a couple of reasons. One, he had no references and would not agree to be verified by any other means. He seemed to have an attitude from the first phone call. My gut was screaming NO from the first contact with him. For days now I have been getting the most horrid texts from this guy. I have been called every name under the sun. His texts are now telling me he wishes someone would murder me. He has threatened to post that I am LE. He has threatened to post information for my family to see. (My Mom knows of my job, but my grown children do not.) It is getting so ridiculous. My work phone will block his number from calling, but not from receiving his texts. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

He is driving me nuts!!!! Ladies, I am posting his info in the powder room...be sure to take a look!
bodilly's Avatar
Fuck him

It is your right to refuse any one and you shouldn't have to give any reason.
So I reiterate Fuck Him!!!
+1 Let him come see you red ,i will hide in the shower,SURPRISE
causewaycommuter's Avatar
I couldn't agree more with everything you wrote. If you have any information on this guy, send it to me via PM and I'll look into it.
LilRed's Avatar
I know guys....my nerves are just rattled. Wishing me dead is just a little scarey. He is a truck driver who has nothing better to do than drive around all day and harrass me. (No offense to drivers Bodily!!.. just saying he has a lot of free time.).
Red, Sorry you're going thru this with this dickless ahole. Hopefully he will lose interest soon and leave you alone. Nicolet went thru something similar awhile back and he finally gave up.
I agree with you, it's your right to refuse to see someone, I've always wondered how you ladies see some of us guys.
That so sucks! What is it with some pricks?

I don't know about others, but with Sprint you can have a number blocked - no calls no text, nothing!
DallasRain's Avatar
so sorry that has happened LILREd...

I am with Lowgear...I will gladly help him & you out! lol

take care sugar and hope it clears up quick!
Any rational person would wholeheartedly agree with you. It is obvious, though, that this dude isn't rational. Make sure you get his number around to the ladies. This dude doesn't deserve any poon. Hang in there Red, he will give it up soon enough.
DallasRain's Avatar
I think it's "asshole season"...lol

I had a guy email me a sarcastic note that I was ridiculous for charging my "high" rates..he said that memphis guys are used to the 150 to 200 hr range! WTF! I researched and,yes there are those low rates out there,but mostly the "bp" or "not as reputable" gals! lol---you bet I gave him my opinion!!!

Red,you are a sweet classy gal who rocks!!!! Ignore the assholes.......there are enough awesome guys on here!!!!
Sorry Red. Ignoring him is probably the right response. However, if you think his threat could be credible you should probably take precautions for self-defense. I doubt escallating this by counter threats or reporting him to LE would be effective and would probably make it worse. I don't know how a guy can get so turned around to make any woman fearful. I don't get it.
skeeter's Avatar
LilRed ..... I don't "know" you ... But I know your reputation as a class act .... and I'm with lowgear .... I'll be happy to wait in the shower or closet .... But the best advice is to ignore this asshole ....he'll get bored if you ignore him and start playing with himself again instead of you
I'm truly sorry you have to go through it till he does
LilRed I don't know you, but nobody should have to go thru what you are dealing with.
It's screwballs like this that make our hobby, especially for you ladies, crazy. I don't know if you have a friend, but, I would recomend a SW Sigma 40, or, if you have a strong wrist a SW 640. And, I'm gonna get over to see you.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar