Anyone seen her?

Nothing for reviews on the number. Pictures are linked to a Minneapolis ad with a different number, some videos out there too. The Minneapolis ad isn't current and she wouldn't be the first provider to change her number.
What I do is google search the pics and numbers..all of them and see what that shows. In the past, I've texted or called the old number and have had the provider respond, 'no, that's not my number' and another time I've had the gal tell me she has limited cell service up north with her old number and picked up another to be able to take calls. I'd approach with caution though. Just sayin' A handcuff is no way to start a day!!
What I do is google search the pics and numbers..all of them and see what that shows. In the past, I've texted or called the old number and have had the provider respond, 'no, that's not my number' and another time I've had the gal tell me she has limited cell service up north with her old number and picked up another to be able to take calls. I'd approach with caution though. Just sayin' A handcuff is no way to start a day!! Originally Posted by havfunnd
No reviews, nobody here saying they've seen the provider, and no presence outside the one ad from the number is just a no go for me.

The fact that the pics link to a Minneapolis ad would be a point in favor if it had the same number attached. But yeah, not going to bite the bullet here if I can't verify it's legit... too bad she's hot.
I agree Travel. I always always move to the safer choice of the two. I will not ever see someone if I can't find reviews, history or at least in my mind know for sure she is legit. I had a close call years ago that really made me re-evaluate how I approach this hobby. Have a great weekend.
Sounds scetchy