Bummed out

sparkey027's Avatar
So , I decided a while back to go back to school.. And I've dome all the paperwork and waded through all the forms etc... Gotten all my old transcripts etc.. Only to find that no one in the entire world has a copy of my shot records!
I seriously think I would rather be nibbled to death by rabid ducks than get a shot... But to the health dept I go... I think I may cry....( and may need some consoling )...anyone want to give me a pat on the back? Ha!
  • MrGiz
  • 05-26-2010, 07:28 AM
Look at the bright side.... with all the recent bloodwork and new shot records.... maybe you'll be able to turn a CBJ into a real BBBJ with one of the young CBJ hotties out there!!

Oh Well..... call me an optimist!

Rodger's Avatar
I think a good Brie would go good with your wine.
sparkey027's Avatar
Look at the bright side.... with all the recent bloodwork and new shot records.... maybe you'll be able to turn a CBJ into a real BBBJ with one of the young CBJ hotties out there!!

Oh Well..... call me an optimist!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
ah yes...i like the way you think!..