invisible corporate executives

VitaMan's Avatar
Some corporate executives love the spotlight....especially ones who are company founders. Mr. Musk is constantly in the news. Oracle chief used to love the attention. Even Walmart family manages to get in the news cycles.

But there are 2 companies that have executives that are almost invisible. One is Mr. Fred Smith of FEDEX. What an incredible success story, can only imagine the obstacles he had to overcome.Don't recall him ever being in the news.

Then there is the Mars family of the MARS candy company. What percentage of candy sales does that company have ? Yet, there is not 1 photograph of any of the Mars family. One can only wonder what the Mars connection might be, and what they have planned for us humans in the future.
I'm not sure anyone really cares....but I guess someone here might.
boardman's Avatar
Mars is old money. They're the kind that don't need to let anyone know who they are. They know themselves and that's all that matters.

They are into a lot more than candy too. Banfield is a huge holding company under Mars management that is into all things pets from veterinary services and hospitals to pet food and supplies. Petco and Petsmart fall under that umbrella as well as some well know food brands. That's just one arm of Mars' holdings.
O'Mike's Avatar
A certain level of increased security comes with anonymity.

If an economic collapse comes and one fat cat says something like 'let them eat cake' when confronted with the lack of bread (or in my case tacos). The 'faces' of the rich may be confronted with masses of the starving with pitchforks and torches (or AR-15s and Streamlights) at their front doors.

Also, not everyone has an ego that demands constant attention or justification of their self worth.

IJS, could be wrong.

VitaMan's Avatar
Spend any time in the candy aisles, and see how many of the most popular are under the MARS brand.
Then imagine how much money they must have accumulated. A private company. But the entire family is invisible.
Russ38's Avatar
Also, not everyone has an ego that demands constant attention or justification of their self worth. Originally Posted by O'Mike
I think most people need to worry about themselves making money and not worry about how much others have. It's pointless and a waste of time.
VitaMan's Avatar
I'm not sure about that. If you look up the most liked online post on any website in history, and see what it is, and see how many likes it has, it seems we have plenty of time for this.
boardman's Avatar

The family is very considerate and protective of their privacy, rarely, if ever giving press interviews or, with the exception of Jacqueline Mars and Victoria B. Mars, be photographed in public

Again, I don't think the Mars family needs anyone's approval. I doubt they have personal Facebook or Twitter accounts.
Maybe you are right VM.....I have a bad tendency to look at things just through my own eyes. I personally don't care what anyone else has. For me it's a total waste of my time.