FEC fines DNC and Clinton for Trump dossier hoax

berryberry's Avatar
Libtards lies are falling apart everywhere

First Hunter Biden's laptop
Now Clinton's Russian Hoax

The Federal Election Commission has fined the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for lying about the funding of the infamous, and discredited, Russian “dossier” used in a smear attempt against Donald Trump weeks before he shocked the world with his 2016 presidential victory.

The election agency said that Clinton and the DNC violated strict rules on describing expenditures of payments funneled to the opposition research firm Fusion GPS through their law firm.

A combined $1,024,407.97 was paid by the treasurers of the DNC and Clinton campaign to law firm Perkins Coie for Fusion GPS’s information, and the party and campaign hid the reason, claiming it was for legal services, not opposition research.

Instead, the DNC’s $849,407.97 and the Clinton campaign’s $175,000 covered Fusion GPS’s opposition research on the dossier, a basis for the so-called “Russia hoax” that dogged Trump’s first term.

The memo said that the Clinton campaign and DNC argued that they were correct in describing their payment as for “legal advice and services” because it was Perkins Coie that hired Fusion GPS. But the agency said the law is clear and was violated.

It added that neither the campaign nor the party conceded to lying but won’t contest the finding. “Solely for the purpose of settling this matter expeditiously and to avoid further legal costs, respondent[s] does not concede, but will not further contest the commission's finding of probable cause to proceed” with the probe, said the FEC.

The FEC, in a memo to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation, which filed its complaint over three years ago, said it fined Clinton’s treasurer $8,000 and the DNC’s treasurer $105,000.

The memo, shared with Secrets, is to be made public in a month.

Dan Backer, who brought the complaint on behalf of the foundation, which focuses on free speech and the First Amendment, told Secrets, “This may well be the first time that Hillary Clinton — one of the most evidently corrupt politicians in American history — has actually been held legally accountable, and I'm proud to have forced the FEC to do their job for once. The Coolidge Reagan Foundation proved that with pluck and grit, Americans who stand with integrity can stand up to the Clinton machine and other corrupt political elites.”

Clinton has in the past defended her campaign’s spending for the information and the work of her campaign lawyer, Marc Elias, with Fusion GPS, which compiled the dossier and hired former British spy Christopher Steele to dig further on Trump.

Trump has assailed the dossier as full of lies, and the FBI has called it fake, but only after the damage settled in on the president.

Republicans have continued to press for charges against Clinton.

Backer, with Washington’s Chalmers & Adams law firm, held out hope for further action against the former first lady. He said, “Hillary Clinton and her cronies willfully engaged in the greatest political fraud in history — destroying our nation's faith in the electoral process, and it’s high time they were held accountable. I hope this is only the beginning.”

... Blimey! .... Wouldja look at THAT! ... All this time,
some o' the liberal lads in this very forum were tellin' ME
and other conservatives that NONE of this was TRUE.

That this was all just a bullshit conspiracy theory.

... The APOLOGY LINE forms below.

#### Salty



they didnt fine them enough
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Couple the below with the OP and you can smell the fear and even the Demonicrats can too. The war in Ukraine isn't panning out the way the psyop was designed. Sacrifices will have to be made. Are they setting up Ol' Cabbage Head to take the fall? Is it a soft landing? Do they really hope to install Kamaltoe or is there a separate plan for her demise? Freak accident? Hostage taking in one of the foreign lands they keep dumping her in to make a fool of herself and the US maybe?

On the upside:
We now know 3 distinct things are settled science about Russia-Russia-Russia
  1. Trump did not collude with them (Mueller told us so)
  2. Hillary did (FEC told us so)
  3. the Hunter laptop is NOT Russian disinformation (in spite of 50 intelligence "experts" telling us it was) and now the LambScreamMedia is telling us so
When the Fake AF News turns on their own, you know it's gotta be so bad that they can't even hope to white-wash it. Seems like big departures are in the wings - ahead of the mid-terms.

This Is Weird? After a Year-and-a-Half of Media Blackouts and Denials Suddenly ABC, NBC, and CNN Report Honestly on Hunter Biden Laptop
By Jim Hoft - Published March 30, 2022 at 9:38pm

Sadly the US mainstream media pumps out more fake news today than Pravda.

In 2020 the fake news mainstream media ALL reported that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian propaganda. 51 top intelligence officials signed a letter saying Hunter Biden’s letter was Russian disinformation. Joe Biden lied about his son’s laptop during a debate. The media lied about it as Russian disinformation to save Joe Biden.

It was a ridiculous lie and anyone with any amount of curiosity knew it.

But suddenly the mainstream media has been directed to report on Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell that contains evidence of orgies, drug use, prostitution, foreign dealings, Biden family corruption, and warnings to keep Hunter away from underage girls.

He’s certainly a chip off the ol’ block.

But now all of the sudden the fake news is reporting on Hunter Biden and the serious investigation against him.

And even CNN is reporting on the news-

This is weird.
Whenever the fake news mainstream media reports honestly you know that something is going on behind the scenes?
So what is behind the sudden blip of honest reporting?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That dam is cracking and the shit storm is on the horizon.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-01-2022, 11:05 AM
Like the Stormy ruling and energy independence....you boys are confused yet again as to what this means.

Stormy definitely fucked Trump.

Energy independence does not always mean low gas prices.

And this was about who PAID for the research....not if the research was true or not.

But hey at least you all agree with Trump that Putin is a genius
it takes step by step work

diligence and perseverance

to begin to breakdown the protections and layers of distance

turning lower level miscreants

to get to the kingpins who think they have insulated themselves through the use of cutouts and lesser humans doing their dirty work

but when the criminal enterprise starts to crumble, there is an acceleration of the speed of the falling dominoes. soon a rapid scurrying of the rats, each seeking their own preservation, occurs

and viewing the perp walk is satisfying
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Like the Stormy ruling and energy independence....you boys are confused yet again as to what this means.

Stormy definitely fucked Trump.

Energy independence does not always mean low gas prices.

And this was about who PAID for the research....not if the research was true or not.

But hey at least you all agree with Trump that Putin is a genius Originally Posted by WTF

yet not one single allegation has ever been verified as true, certainly not the pee tape YR keeps waiting for. bhahhaaaa

the recent arrest of Igor Danchenko, a Russian American who helped create the dossier, was indicted for allegedly lying to the FBI about how he got his information, strongly suggests all of the info he contributed is false otherwise who is he protecting and why?

Chris Steele is known to dislike Trump and said he wanted to prevent Trump from winning. all of his data is thus tainted. and Nellie Ohr not only passed intel (false intel) to her DOJ husband to use as "evidence" for spying warrants but worked for Fusion GPS and thus also had reason to fabricate intel.

the entire dossier reads like what it is .. a fake 4th rate pulp fiction spy novel. they would have done better lifting materiel from spy novels from Ian Fleming and Robert Ludlum.

but you keep waiting for that pee tape to drop on the interwebs. good luck with that.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Stormy has a $500K lien against her. Hope she doesn't need to refinance them ta-tas anytime soon.
And you proof of Trimp fucking Stormy is what exactly? Yeah, bumkiss. Hate to have to keep reminding you. Not really.
Mueller told us the research was bogus already. Hate to have to keep reminding you. Not really.
Not sure who you think the genius is O'Bidan or Putin. Will leave that to you to decipher.

Like the Stormy ruling and energy independence....you boys are confused yet again as to what this means.

Stormy definitely fucked Trump.

Energy independence does not always mean low gas prices.

And this was about who PAID for the research....not if the research was true or not.

But hey at least you all agree with Trump that Putin is a genius Originally Posted by WTF
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Lock her up lock her up. Lock him up lock him up. I'd put my money on trumpy getting lock up before any Clinton

8 hours of lost tapes (phone records). Was that more than the corrupt nixion that was forced from office before the gop voted to impeach him? You know...the gop that had some creadilibty and class...if people can remember that far back lol n omg n wtf

Lock her up lock her up. Lock him up lock him up. I'd put my money on trumpy getting lock up before any Clinton

8 hours of lost tapes (phone records). Was that more than the corrupt nixion that was forced from office before the gop voted to impeach him? You know...the gop that had some creadilibty and class...if people can remember that far back lol n omg n wtf

Dah... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
... YOU should change yer handle to T-Idiot.

Didn't you see the news?

... The "Lost Tapes" story is BULLSHIT.
Nothing is gone... Nothing was erased.

YOU got played yet-again... By the fools and droobs
in the main stream media.

... You just wanna apologise now - before you look like
even MORE of a goof? - If that's even possible.

#### Salty
Like the Stormy ruling and energy independence....you boys are confused yet again as to what this means.

Stormy definitely fucked Trump.

Energy independence does not always mean low gas prices.

And this was about who PAID for the research....not if the research was true or not.

But hey at least you all agree with Trump that Putin is a
genius Originally Posted by WTF
... ... ... ... ... ...

... NOT laughing WITH you, mate - laughing AT you. ...

#### Salty
LexusLover's Avatar

... The "Lost Tapes" story is BULLSHIT.
Nothing is gone... Nothing was erased.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Sshhhhhhhhhhh..... please don't let them know.
Sshhhhhhhhhhh..... please don't let them know. Originally Posted by LexusLover
(Sorry for spilling-over the beans there, mate.)

(It's NOT been a good week for the liberals here. )

(#### Salty)