Help Me Down Off of This Soapbox.. Arlington Baby Murdered

Chung Tran's Avatar

maybe a strange rant, coming from a Hooker Board, but this tragic story has a myriad of accomplices.. the killer is a Beast, a wild animal that should be executed ASAP.. the Media reports the death of this beautiful baby, and in turn, paints a picture of the sorrow felt by the child's grandparents, and inevitably, the US Marine (baby's daddy) who is returning home.. these questions will not be asked, so as not to disrupt the grief process, and the killer will be the only person held accountable.. but..

the mother is 17, pregnant at 15.. her Mom lives in the area, Dad lives in San Antonio.. where were they in their daughter's life? absent.. the Dad comes on the radio, showing outrage that his daughter would help bury his granddaughter.. yeah, well, why is your 17 year-old daughter living with a 20 year-old animal? where have you been?

the baby's dad is a US Marine.. really? we allow guys who knock-up 15 year-old girls, to flee responsibility and join the Marines?

I'm not giving the baby's mom a pass, but the important people in her life failed her.. Mom, Dad, Marine boyfriend.. pushed her towards the Animal that took her baby's life.. and none of them will bear responsibility.

*end of rant*
Grace Preston's Avatar
If I had to guess, I'd guess the baby daddy was also a teen, maybe 16 or 17 when the child was conceived and perhaps joined the Marines in order to provide healthcare and child support for his child. Which, in this day, is more than what some kids do when in this situation.
I had a customer refuse to pay a bill and when I tried to collect I was told he had joined the Army..too bad for me they all said. I called his CO and got paid in a couple weeks. You cannot hide from anything in the military.
Chung Tran's Avatar
just as I expected.. Marine daddy in denial, blames the murderer completely.. so the question would be.. if this Marine "knows" Josh threatened the baby's mama's life, was abusive, forced her to bury her own child, etc... where was he? absent father, whining, playing the sympathy card.. fact is, he let another dude raise his child.. while he did his own thing.. a dude he knows was abusive..IMO, the Marine is partially complicit in his daughter's murder.. there, I said it..
Wow! So sad! The world can really be a messed up place sometimes!

And I agree w/ Chung.. If the baby's father was a marine, he should've done everything possible to make sure his baby and the mother of his child are OK. If he truly did know she was in a bad relationship, he should've took the precautionary steps of taking the mother to court for custody. All parties involved can be blamed but the saddest part, and the main issue, is that a child is dead. I can't imagine how the parents are feeling.
pyramider's Avatar
The parents are not feeling anything. The parents allowed it to happen. If the parents gave a shit it would not have happened. The child should have done a better job choosing its parents.
Let's remember the mother and biological father were not the ones charged and they were not the ones to actually physically inflict the damage.

I don't disagree that they aren't at FAULT and that they definitely play a part in all this.. I'm sure if the mother/father would've been more aware, active in parenting, more assertive with the boyfriend when she saw signs of him being violent etc. etc etc this most likely would not have happened. But I do think they are probably both feeling a ton of remorse, guilt, and every other negative emotion you can feel. They probably know they both fucked up. They were young and dumb and I know that putting your child in a situation like this should NEVER be excused but for some reason I kinda feel bad for them.

However, maybe the mother would learn a lesson if she did get charged with something, whether it's child neglect or whatever a judge feels suitable. Having to deal with grief is a terrible thing but I do somewhat agree the parents or at least the mom should be held accountable in some way.
Chung Tran's Avatar
the mother has been arrested now..

no evidence that anyone feels any guilt or sorrow, for their own involvement.. just a bunch of whining and finger-pointing.. perhaps guilt and remorse will settle in later.. I hope so.. it won't bring back their precious baby
When I was in college, ex-girlfriend (thru her Very Liberal mother, my State's ERA Political Voice in 1980-81) got an Abortion....... I never knew about my having a daughter until AFTER she had the abortion, her mother knew that I would have Transferred colleges & married her & raised the child.

Sometimes, the MOTHER OF THE CHILD is the Only One Responsible for Making BAD choices, like having This Boyfriend who killed the Baby........ THE MARINE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!
Audrey Astor's Avatar
I think the failure began in the upbringing. Nobody wants to parent their offspring anymore. It's easier to turn our heads. My daughter is a very young mother. She is very protective, and I can unequivocally, say that she would never hurt a child or let anyone else in her presence. It began in the parenting...
Chung Tran's Avatar
When I was in college, ex-girlfriend (thru her Very Liberal mother, my State's ERA Political Voice in 1980-81) got an Abortion....... I never knew about my having a daughter until AFTER she had the abortion, her mother knew that I would have Transferred colleges & married her & raised the child.

Sometimes, the MOTHER OF THE CHILD is the Only One Responsible for Making BAD choices, like having This Boyfriend who killed the Baby........ THE MARINE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! Originally Posted by Famous Dave
the Marine didn't kill his baby.. but he knew the baby's mama was with the abusive boyfriend.. where was he? the Marine knew about the child from day one, and chose to be away.. now he's having a pity party because the dude raising his child followed through with the abusive behavior this Marine already knew about..

I think the failure began in the upbringing. Nobody wants to parent their offspring anymore. It's easier to turn our heads. My daughter is a very young mother. She is very protective, and I can unequivocally, say that she would never hurt a child or let anyone else in her presence. It began in the parenting... Originally Posted by Holly Love
Exactly.. +1,000
you can look to the east ...Alabama.Two weeks ago,a father left his son in a car for
seven hours, son died. Father acted distraught,wife emotionless. Turns out
both parents looked on the internet for info about leaving a child in a hot car just days before.This has been on the national news nightly.
Sad reflection of how cold people have become.
Not really any answers from this side of the computer,just another guy
wondering wtf.
Never was married,no kiddos.
I like to people watch in restaurants,and see families head's down ,workin' them iphones. Didn't happen when I grew up,lots of conversation at dinner time.
Anyway,it bothers/bothered me too.
Kids should be protected above all else. No excuses. The grandparents should be charge with child neglect and endangerment for allowing their daughter to run off with a maniac.
Chung Tran's Avatar
the Marine dude makes me wanna puke.. he was on Fox 4 news last night, whining again, talking about how he loved his baby's mama, how he yelled out "I love you" to her, as the cops led her away in handcuffs.

playing the victim card.. never addressed the fact that he abandoned his "love" and their baby, leaving them in the hands of a brutal maniac.. who he knew was a crazy goon.. of course, Fox 4 played into his pity to get ratings..
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
truly sad from the start. let me state they are not animals they are goon's animals should be treated with respect they should be face the death sentnce as soon as possible i dont want to pay for their goon ass to sit in prison