Peach Festival

I am making a run from Dallas to hit the Weatherford Peach Festival Sat morning. I have room for 1-3 ladies/children. This is family friendly social event and the main purpose is to eat the best peaches you ever tasted in the world. 2.5-3 hr RT travel time, then time attending festivities & eating. Total time 6 hr or less. No smokers, no drama please. Dress for full sun, 100ºF and 30,000 other ppl around you. PM me if interested. References avail.
pyramider's Avatar
So you will take my brats away? Score!!!!!
You're posting on the anonymous hooker board that you're willing to take someone's child(ren), who you don't even know, for a 6 hour drive and day at the festival to eat peaches??? What am I missing or is this the weirdest/creepiest post I've ever seen? Maybe you're looking for a family day with a gal and her kids but this just doesn't seem right.

If I'm way off base I apologize but I've seen too many episodes of Dateline NBC to think this is normal.
Boltfan's Avatar
Perhaps better suited for
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I just saw this. I wish that you had posted this earlier in the day, or an earlier date.

IF this is who I think that it it, then driving with him to a peach festival would have been fun!

Now, he's already gone to the peach festival. DID sound like a fun possibility!