more pics with penetratioin from ar Random

  • #22 - ECCIE Staff will go to great lengths to avoid editing, deleting, or censoring our members posts or threads...unless absolutely necessary. Forbidden topics such as underage sex, illicit drugs, bestiality, revealing personal info, medical speculation, or images not in compliance will be removed from public view. Controversial, troublesome, or objectionable posts may draw staff attention or in some cases disciplinary action, but the offending post will not be removed from the view of our membership in any but the most extreme cases. Often times you will find directions, footnotes, or other guidance from staff edited INTO posts which draw our attention. These are for the purpose of educating the readers of what is and what is not acceptable as well as informing others about how these issues have been dealt with. Members are encouraged to RTM posts which include rule infractions or objectionable material if it appears that staff has not already becomed involved with the thread or post in particular.
    Note: Staff will consider a request from the original poster to remove a thread/post they have made provided it was recently posted and not replied to. As a general rule, staff will not consider such requests once a thread or post has been visible for at least 4 hours or received 2 or more replies. In these cases, a request from the OP to lock the thread is more appropriate and will receive consideration.
Remove this because we can't have pictures of penetration,,,,
Razrbeak let me know.
Wakeup has a Avatar of a woman being penetrated,,,,explain further.
I will have him over for a look. Trusting his judgement and the examples
he sets for us to follow.

Hogfan69's Avatar
So you think it's an offense, so you repost it even larger? Interesting concept
NO, I had two pictures that were removed because of the penetration rule.
That is what a Mod commented as the reason for removal.
I challenged the ruling because Wakeup has an avatar of a woman being penetrated sexually,,,it is the picture you see.
Lazrback's Avatar
Larde if you will check your pics have all been returned,,, your patience while I discussed this with the site owner was just awesome.....
Awesomeness as WakeUp would say,,,,They requested some pictures in the
Random Thread LazerBeam. ji ji ji
Wakeup's Avatar
Kindly don't mention my name again in support of anything you do...thanks...