Any old time posters

want to vouch for me
pyramider's Avatar
I do not vouch for those I have not seen BCD. Better get the padre.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
muffbro, you are in the same boat I am in.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 05-16-2012, 07:30 AM
muff, I remember you (or at least your name, that is), but like 2Dogs is experiencing, it's gonna take a while. Be patient. See some newbie-friendly ladies, post here, write a review or 3. It'll come back to ya, man.
My old student, golf partner, I'll vouch for you anytime!!! It's great to see you, hope you're doing well. For those wondering, muff was a good client of the Wildflowers, came to all our socials. He even had a few pool parties at his house. Good guy, good friend.
The Wildflower Group
dearhunter's Avatar
We are come undone when fucktards like muffbro and The2Dogs need a vouch.......tell them bitches to PM me......heh.
What do you need a vouch for?!? Unless you're trying to get in BCD with one of them old timers :0 Jk

I don't consider myself as an "old timer" (what's the qualification?!?) but I remember you. You probably don't remember me though lol
2dogs.....I've known you a very long time. If my vouch means anything.... I would be happy to help you with anything I can.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
want to vouch for me Originally Posted by muffbro
I'll vouch for you.

Is Kili requiring a vouch now a days?
Texmedic's Avatar
yo Muff - move over .... I am driving the boat - I am a newbie all over again
pyramider's Avatar
Fucking newbies ...
I mainly see UTR girls and I can't review them. I have had a few ladies from ECCIE see me. Thank God for the slow economy I guess.

Newbie friendly = not very hot
boardman's Avatar
Who the fuck is Muffbro anyway?
pyramider's Avatar
Well he has seen Shayla, or what we believe might be a Shayla.
Muffbro....good to see you back man. I remember some of the parties back in the day also!! Sadly i came back a newbie last year too.....had to have some board faithfuls vouch for me.