Would you??

Question for both providers and hobbyist alike. Would you or could you fuck your brother/sister in law? About two months ago my wife sent me on an errand to pick some things from her sister's house. She told her I was on my way. When I arrive my sister in law opens the door in tight ass booty shorts, bra, and high heels and a seductive smile... I was like WTF?! Literally stunned, I stammered that I was pick the shit I was supposed to and got the fuck out of there...LMAO. But now I am tripping thinking I should have fucked the shit out of her, but afraid that would leave me in a vulnerable situation...lol. So anybody else experience some shit like that??
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I wouldn't. Too many possible problems.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
You got Tiger money??? Cause that's how much it's gonna cost you.
cumalot's Avatar
I have been in that situation as well with an ex and her sister and I was so tempted but I had to say No Way...Too much to loose...
y...Too much to loose... Originally Posted by cumalot
Uh huh. Like everything.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I think the critical issue is just how hottt is she and how bad does she want you. If she is exceptionally hotttt in everyway and she wants you badly, I would fuck her but you need to be prepared to fuck her on a regular basis. If she is not exceptionally hot and you have to twist her arm to fuck you, I would pass. It is only worth it if you can have a long term exceptionally passionate relationship with her.
Sarunga's Avatar
Probably the smartest thing you ever did in your life.
Probably the smartest thing you ever did in your life. Originally Posted by Sarunga
I think the critical issue is just how hottt is she and how bad does she want you. If she is exceptionally hotttt in everyway and she wants you badly, I would fuck her but you need to be prepared to fuck her on a regular basis. If she is not exceptionally hot and you have to twist her arm to fuck you, I would pass. It is only worth it if you can have a long term exceptionally passionate relationship with her. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
She is fucking smoking hot..and trust me I was very tempted...but too fucking risky and I don't like a whole lot of drama...
First, there is the monetary issue. I have no idea how old or how successful you are, but are you at a stage in life where you are willing to lose at the very least, half your money, half your home and a sizable chunk of you income? Starting over from scratch ain’t fun at any stage in your life.
On another note, and I seldom bring up morals, since I have so few myself. But really, you would risk getting caught fucking your wife’s sister? It’s one thing to fuck around on your wife, I’m not being critical of that, but with her sister? I know of a family that this happened to, and it literally tore the immediate family apart. Would you really want to risk putting your wife through that? To me, there’s always been way too much pussy to risk what you are considering.
  • romab
  • 05-23-2012, 12:40 PM
If you come home from work, find your wife and her sister buck naked in your bed and they both jump your bones; go for it! Other than that like playing the slots in Vegas - you going to looooooose. R
whitechocolate's Avatar
It is a classical risk vs risk reward situation. If she is smoking hotttt you will dream of fucking her forever. If she wants you and goes out of her way to show you that she wants you, you will probably be jacking off thinking of fucking her until you do it. Only you can determine the risk. With some families, there is little risk as guys bang their wives' sisters and friends all the time without anyone ever finding out and with other situations, it may be discovered the next day for all sorts of reasons. Nobody can say you should definitely do it or definitely not do it but you.
bgood's Avatar
  • bgood
  • 05-23-2012, 12:50 PM
Probably the smartest thing you ever did in your life. Originally Posted by Sarunga
boardman's Avatar
Don't even put yourself in that situation again with her. Waaaayyyyyyy too risky!
whitechocolate's Avatar
When a sister-in-law decides she wants you, she will increase the heat until you succumb so be careful. Next time, she will probably greet you braless or even totally nude.
If the temptation of fucking your sister in law just becomes too great, just call one of your hottest cousins and fuck her. This isn’t nearly as frowned upon in Texas. Just consider her your cousin with benefits.