how many of you forget during a session that it is a session

lesbianbob's Avatar
I was reading a review this morning, and the guy said he totally forgot it was a session, and said it truly felt like a girlfriend. I was just curious how many providers get lost in the moment and feel like that are with a boyfriend. Guys you can answer too, but I am interested in the response from the ladies. I do have that with a few providers on this board. One is like a long lost friend with benefits when I see her.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
With you it's a VERY easy thing to do...SERIOUSLY, lol! Actually, as most know, I do not date, therefore I love hanging out over brunch with people and feel very natural about it. There are a few people that I've met, who have been extremely non-verbal (as in, will not say one word at all) and those people make being a Chef difficult. I'm the type of person who enjoys meeting people from all walks of life & very soon I'll be an empty nester, so that should give me a little more freedom in my kitchen. :)

nightengale1973's Avatar
Very easy to forget with AllisonofHouston that shes a provider. Getting lost in her eyes, her kiss, her touch; you think of girlfriend, lover, friend; but not provider.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-26-2012, 10:15 AM
Yall are nuts.
cumalot's Avatar
I do that all the time with my ATF....
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
What trey said.
I suspect a fair number of hobbyists forget during sessions with ladies with whom they are regulars.
Well it is a form of escapism is it not? Why would anyone be surprised that a guy would get caught up in the moment and forget? Obviously Out of Bounds and Trey must not have found anyone talented enough in creating the fantasy to allow them to feel that way. Not dissing you two just know?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nothing I like better than falling in hour at a time.
IDK, sometimes I forget:/ I think it happens to us all at one time or another. Depending on chemistry, and how well your bodys fit together. I have had sessions where they stayed in my head for a long time. It happens
I have had many sessions where I "forget". Why wouldn't you? After all, isn't that what the GFE is supposed to be about?

Some times, you are just that... a girlfriend..Some hobbyist do not see more than one lady at a time.. they treat you just as such.. their girlfriend, and why would you treat them any different? Because there is a donation laying there?

IMO it would suck, if in fact, every man who walked through the door, acted as a "robot" and was just following "protocal". Yes, there are some you just do not feel that "connection" with, but for the most part, hell, I'm trying to enjoy the moment and not keep thinking "this is just for...."

That's just my opinion.
It only happens to me when I see a young lady out in California. The first time I saw her, our original 90-minute session turned into an overnight visit (not my idea, and no extra charge). The next morning, she invited me to her apartment to see her two dogs (one of our common interests). She then asked me to have lunch at a local favorite of hers (I paid, as I would have on any date, of course), and we had a great, very friendly conversation. For some reason, she told me her comfort level with me was unlimited which I took as a compliment. We've been hanging out in "off the clock" and "on the clock" sessions ever since. I'm a very average, very middle-aged guy. She is an upper 20, hot as the sun young lady that is under contract with Score for video and magazine work. So I have no idea how this developed, but it did and I'm pretty damn happy about it. I doubt I'll find this kind of chemistry with another provider.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
I was reading a review this morning, and the guy said he totally forgot it was a session, and said it truly felt like a girlfriend. I was just curious how many providers get lost in the moment and feel like that are with a boyfriend. Guys you can answer too, but I am interested in the response from the ladies. I do have that with a few providers on this board. One is like a long lost friend with benefits when I see her. Originally Posted by lesbianbob
Very good question! I do that a lot, mostly subconsciously. When everything clicks, it feels a lot more like a one time encounter or one night stand than a session. Usually, this happens for me when I feel comfortable and somewhat attracted to the client. It doesn't feel like work at all, just fun! I have actually wanted to see some clients again, but don't want to appear too forward or bother them.
Very easy to forget with AllisonofHouston that shes a provider. Getting lost in her eyes, her kiss, her touch; you think of girlfriend, lover, friend; but not provider. Originally Posted by nightengale1973
Aww babe thank you..I just treat people the way I would want to be treated..unlike some of the girls out there, I actually love what I do..and I enjoy spending time with sexy men..its an intamacy thing with me..then again there are a few guys that I truly have connected with..and everytime they call I get all excited and look forward to being in their arms..Lesbian bob you are one of those guys too NG..
..then again there are a few guys that I truly have connected with..and everytime they call I get all excited and look forward to being in their arms.... Originally Posted by AllisonofHouston

I can agree with this!!
I have a few who when I see the number my smile is as big as my ass. I have some that are not the "GFE" because the do not want to do the kissing, or maybe they just felt I didn't do kissing.. and before I realized it, I was on top, grinding, and the kissing begins.. It is a very sentual experience, and to be able to have those that you just have that "Great Sex" with, is PRICELESS.