The Unsuccessful Long-Term Hobby Relationship

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-10-2017, 11:23 PM
I debated whether I should share this or not, but I ultimately decided that it could be a good lesson for others to hear and, if nothing else, provide some entertainment value in Coed.

Those of you who've been around awhile will recall that for many years I had a provider here who was my "hobby girlfriend". We had a regular weekly arrangement, much to the chagrin of other hobbyists who wanted to see the other ladies who shared her incall on Tuesday afternoon. I even boasted about it in this thread in Coed from 7(!) years ago.

She quietly disabled her account a few years after that and when anyone asked me about her, I'd either say "She moved to Bulgaria" or, if pressed, tell you that she had left the hobby and was being successful in her real world job.

What I didn't tell any of you is that I had continued to see her pretty much every Tuesday since then, culminating in our 10 year anniversary last month. We moved from the pay-per-visit model to the per-per-month model to eventually not exchanging cash but instead me taking her shopping, and on vacations, and even providing her a credit card to make purchases without me present. So over the years, I've (secretly) paid for birthday parties for her kid, school supplies and uniforms, car insurance, auto repairs, dinners out with her family, and so on.

Of course, we shared details of our personal and professional lives... I can tell you about her kid, her parents, her siblings, her business partners, her friends, her ex...

But all fairy tales must come to an end, especially if those stories involve hobbyists and providers. When you are deep inside the fairy tale, you believe that you are the special one, that you have figured out the magic of making the leap from a hobby relationship to a real-world one. You become complacent and stop fact checking everything and you start to trust that the other person is being completely honest with you, as you have been with her.

I'm sorry to have to report the sad truth that once a woman has been a whore, she always thinks like/is a whore. In hindsight, all the signs were there, I just didn't see them or chose not to see them... such as always getting together on the same day of the week even when that was no longer necessary, never spending the night with me even after I was separated and eventually divorced with my own place, never being able to spend time at her house during the day or on nights when her kid was with the baby daddy, never getting the middle-of-the-night texts that she couldn't sleep or was thinking of me, not being invited to any events involving her family or friends, no public displays of affection or even holding hands while we were in Austin. (Which she freely did when we were out of town.)

I'm sure all of you see where this is headed.

I confided in a close friend and he instantly thought that there was something odd/being hidden here and offered to check into things for me. And, yes, she had been living with a dude for the past few years.

I confronted her and, being a good whore, she denied it. Why does your "landlord" have his car registered at your address? Why does his car appear to be parked outside your house every night? Why is he Facebook friends with pretty much every person you've ever told me about?

Deny deny deny. Oh, and accuse me of being a stalker.

Of course after neglecting to mention that she had been living with someone for the past few years, I started to wonder what other things she had lied to me about. Was her "real world" job really so successful that she could only see me once a week? Was I really the only guy she was still seeing from her days on ECCIE? Did she really have the health issues she told me about in excruciating detail?

I'll probably never know.

But if you're a guy who owns a house east of I-35 with a live-in girlfriend who "works" outside the house a lot, you might want to start asking some questions...

And so ends yet another hobby relationship.

Whispers's Avatar

Bachelor Party Time?
You need to meet some new women!
justaphase's Avatar
Oh man, that's terrible!

It took a lot of guts for you to put this out there. I feel really horrible for you, but I'm glad you laid it out there as a cautionary tale. If it's any consolation, you may have just saved a number of men from going through the same heartache you are going through. Hopefully your warning doesn't fall on deaf ears.
Thanks for sharing.
Very sorry to hear that. Some women can be on a level of evil no man could ever touch. The hobby is an easy way to satisfy nature with no risk of your feelings being damaged or having to give up half your assets one day. I hope you are moving on and recovering.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Very sorry to hear that. Some women can be on a level of evil no man could ever touch. Originally Posted by Yoloswagginz
Now, Ah wuldn't call whut she did evil. Man-ip-ew-lah-tif? Shore. Ego-tsk-ticull? Def'nitly. Betrayin' a trust? Yep. Selfish an' self-centered. Absolootly. Spoilt childish? Uh-huh. Sociopathic? Winner, winner, chik'n dinner!!!
avalanche16's Avatar
It took 10 years for this realization?
Still Looking's Avatar
Not the first time some one has traveled this road!
It took 10 years for this realization? Originally Posted by avalanche16
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I feel you Z, I too had gone down that road with a trio and the "one" I'm sure you may know who! I got out before it could have gotten messy, they all get messy pro or civie. Consider yourself lucky that the mess only affected you and not the people around you, and the ones you hold close. As Whisper said, time to move on (no pune intended).

PS. I had a feeling she was not gone, makes you wonder how many of the greats are still around.

artist6338's Avatar
I do too, that's the first thing they call you is a stalker or creep
Too many men AND women lose sight of what we are here to do. A relationship that begins in the hobby will always be a hobby relationship.
You want me to kiss the BOO BOO bro?. Lol jk, was that the hottie you showed me a pic of a long time ago?. She was hot as shit. Dang that must sting!!. Jk sorry bro.
3daygetaway's Avatar
Women, by nature, are always searching for the greatest source of provision and security, just as men are always looking for firmer asses and perkier tits. It's evolutionary biology and subconscious; not that it hurts any less to think of it that way.

I had a fiancé who was actively cultivating a back-up relationship when she slipped up and I found out. Women are nasty creatures.
Women, by nature, are always searching for the greatest source of provision and security, just as men are always looking for firmer asses and perkier tits. It's evolutionary biology and subconscious; not that it hurts any less to think of it that way.

I had a fiancé who was actively cultivating a back-up relationship when she slipped up and I found out. Women are nasty creatures. Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
"Women are nasty creatures."
Yeah,but they got all the pussy.
And more sto-o-opid shit has been done in pursuit of pussy...
Take pussy out of the equation and the earth would quit spinning on it's axis.