Judge Roy Moore

Don’t know if anyone is interested in this race—with all the sexual allagations on both sides, and Moore’s position and with the year book scandle just coming out I am really torn on this. The majority of these sexual/assaults are nothing important, work place shit, illegal no, these politicians are just trying to fuck the female coworkers, isn’t that where we are suppose to find some pussy at, gawd damn don’t take that from us.
That and the girl admitted she forged part of what was written in her yearbook. Wonder if she was paid, or did it on her own...also wonder if the tactic worked. Guess we find out tomorrow.
Perhaps y'all would feel a bit different if it was your own teenage daughter good ole Judge Moore was molesting. On second thought, it might not matter at all. There ain't no cure for stupid!
The majority of these sexual/assaults are nothing important.... Originally Posted by bc1969
I was beginning to enjoy my debate with you in another thread but after a comment like this, you don't deserve the effort!
The Roy Moore underage assault has not been proven, (and don’t worry, I have no use for a child molester) I had two points I was trying to make, one being I’m on the fence with Moore because of the allegations but on the other hand a lot of credible people are saying that she’s lying. The other point is the so called “sexual assault” allegations these workplace women are bringing up is really ridiculous and they are gold digging sluts (or most are, not all)

Here’s an example of work place misconduct, which is a fireable offense but not illegal, it’s not assault) but as I read this—Lauer was getting him some pussy from a willing partner.

“The woman told The Times that after Lauer locked the door by using a button under his desk, he asked her to unbutton her blouse, which she did, then pulled down her pants, bent her over a chair, and assaulted her. She said she eventually passed out, woke up on the floor of Lauer's office, and was taken to a nurse by Lauer's assistant.”

Well, there ya go—a political race that had absolutely nothing to do with politics, with issues that make a difference to us working class people—Roy Moore was a swing vote for the trump agenda and Doug Jones is a swing vote for the Shumer bullshit.

The all time low that the Shumer Klan had to go to get a Democrat elected is disgusting. Think about it, what it would take for a republican to lose a deeply red state such as Alabama. Ah let’s see, a sexual assault claim against a minor,,that should do it, let’s do it, fuck the sheep they will believe anything and forget even faster.

How about this race baiting campaign ad from the NC race just a few weeks ago

It’s the timing that calls this a fraud, Moore gets a pedophile accusation charge and at the same time the antiquated trump sexual misconduct claims get back in the news,,and of course the bitter Megyn Kelly has her fuckable face in the mix. I wouldn’t slap her ass

The opposition party is taking a shit on middle-class America and the will of the voters. There’s a train wreck coming, hang on, Trump ain’t gonna sleep until a reckoning is had

Fuck, this senate race got more attention then previous presidential races have. Doug Jones is a nobody, he’s just Doug, a guy named Doug, that’s it, It’s his only qualification, when this blows over (next week) he’s just a senate vote for the democrats named Doug. Doug will never be able to represent the people of Alabama.

This was a race between Judge Roy Moore and Doug
Cluelessness is next to Godliness.... Bless your heart.
hotrix1's Avatar
Cluelessness is next to Godliness.... Bless your heart. Originally Posted by kappin
Cluelessness is next to Godliness.... Bless your heart. Originally Posted by kappin
I’m certainly not clueless or god like, was just expressing some thoughts coming off a heated election—what are your thoughts about this or anything political, need some other points of view or I’m going to start talking about Religion
You want other opinions on Roy Moore... How about some from Gadsden Alabama?

I've been hearing the Roy Stories for my entire adult life. Yes Roy creeped at the Mall. Roy was known for being into young stuff. He was a 30 something year old man creeping around highschool ballgames and dances. He liked his porn too. I heard stories from a guy that used to hack Roy's DirecTV reciever card so he could get all the programming broadcast over DirecTV, espcially the porn channels in the 590 range. And when the guy decided he couldn't hack Roy's reciever card any more, Roy became angry and beligerant and threatened the guy and told him he had made a powerful enemy (that's something else Roy is good at, threatening people that he feels has crossed him).

Everywhere Roy goes he thinks he the most important person around. When my nephews were playing in church little league baseball, one of Roy's kids was playing too. Well the team Roy's child was on had a game scheduled after a game my nephews were in. Well Roy got there and promptly got upset because they couldn't begin his ballgame until the earlier game completed. Seems he told everyone listening that "he didn't have all day and one game should be stopped so the next could be started so he wouldn't be inconvienenced". This was during the stint between cheif justice terms when he was soaking his so-called charity for all it was worth.

Roy's views are extreme. You can do google searches for them yourself. There's too many to list here.

In short Roy needs to go away and die underneath his 5,000 pound 10 Commandments rock. The world would be a better place without racist bigots like Moore.
Now that’s some kewl information!! You know that Schumer and company would have started you a charity and donated one million dollars for you to go public with this statement

I’m sure there is some truth in there somewhere, but tales such as these can turn into a big fish story very easily and even more so when a public figure is involved.
Trumpkins will be Trumpkins....There is no cure!
Jjsunday's Avatar
heh....... Roy losing could be a good thing. It can give him more time to hang out at the Mall.js
You know that Schumer and company would have started you a charity and donated one million dollars for you to go public with this statement

I’m sure there is some truth in there somewhere, but tales such as these can turn into a big fish story very easily and even more so when a public figure is involved. Originally Posted by bc1969
True enough, but when you hear basically the same tale from several unrelated sources you tend to rule out the "big fish story"... not that there is no exaggeration... it's just I think the exaggeration is minimal here.

Roy's brother has come forward with some sort of assinie statement that Jones and them Democrats and Republicans that conspired to rob Roy of the election will suffer the wrath of god. That whole damn family is a bunch of wackos.

Oh and if you decide to google Roy's extreme views, see if you can find the article where they interviewed some of his law professors. That will give some insight into Roy... and why one professor nicknamed him "Fruit Salad".

And speaking of family... Roy's son Caleb has been arrested 9 (yes 9) times. A google search will provide more info on that.

And I wouldn't go public with anything concerning Roy... did you see the way him and his supporters acted towards the women that came out with their stories? Those women have been getting hate mail, threats on the their lives, and are basically afraid to go anywhere. I watched the Gloria Allred presser online, I was astounded at the venom and vitriol that was being spewed from the naysayers. It was brutal.
44formore's Avatar
Old boy needs to stop gloating, he almost lost to a bad candidate that could be a child abuser... doesn't say much about him either.